Our students and staff have lots of events and activities over the next 4 weeks as we close out the 2nd quarter of the school year. Please review the weekly reminders and Friday NEWSFLASH for full details on upcoming events and information. This Week at a Glance:
Tuesday, November 28:
2017-18 Yearbooks on Sale Now
Wednesday, November 29:
3rd Grade Gifted Field Trip
Junior Achievement Volunteer Training
Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby
Thursday, November 30:
Brightest Bolts Ceremony
Board of Director Meeting
Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby
Lunch Ordering Deadline at Midnight for December 1-22nd Menu
Friday, December 1:
2nd Grade Field Trip
Middle School Dance
Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby
Sunday, December 3:
Deadline to sign up for Intramural Soccer (grades 3rd-5th)
December Lunch Menu
Deadline to place December lunch orders is Thursday, November 30 at midnight. Menu is for December 1-22nd.
Lunches are ordered online each month using the Orgs Online Software Services order form located at http://orgsonline.com/. This is the service that is hosting the Taste of Tampa Bay’s lunch ordering system. The school code for Lutz Preparatory is: 433LPAFL.
Volunteer Corner
Please click on the respective Sign Up Genius links in each section to assist. Twenty five (25) hours per family are required each school year.
Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed for Multiple Grades - Last Minute Plea for Volunteers in 1st and 2nd Grades!
Please click HERE to sign up.
Library Volunteer Needed
Every Monday from 8:30-10:00 AM. Please contact our library coordinator Mrs. O'Sullivan if interested.
Winter Concert Volunteers Needed
Please click HERE to sign up.
Middle School Winter Dance
Student Council will be hosting the first middle school dance of the school year on Friday, December 1st, 2017 from 6:00-9:00 PM.
Dance tickets are on sale through Friday morning from 7:30-7:55 by the gym for $5.00 cash (no personal checks), PLEASE see a Student Council member to purchase your ticket. Tickets will also be sold Friday night at the door for $6.00.
The dance theme is Winter in Paradise with a dress code of Business Causal.What does that look like? Girls can wear jeans, nice shirts, dresses PLEASE no t-shirts and Boys can wear jeans, dress pants , collared shirts, PLEASE no athletic wear or T-shirts.
Our lost and found is OVERFLOWING - lots of water bottles, lunch boxes, glasses, sweaters, jackets, and even a pink superhero cape.
Please stop by to look for lost items! All items will be donated the week after Thanksgiving break. Please make sure your student's first and last names are on all items - if there is a name we return the items to HR teacher. Spirit Shirt Sale This Week
Spirit shirts will be on sale in the lobby Wednesday - Friday this week. Everything must go!
Discontinued styles - $3.00 each
New styles - $15.00 each (Elementary spirit shirts sizes small and medium are back in stock).
Intramural Soccer: 3rd -5th Grades
Season runs from 12/4 - 12/21, total of 9 practices
These three (3) forms are required for each student to be on file BEFORE practice.
Lutz Preparatory Town Hall
Please mark your calendars, our LP Administration will be hosting a K-8 Town Hall on Thursday, December 7 from 5:00-6:00 PM in the gymnasium before SMATH night begins. More details coming soon.
PTA Sponsored SMATH Night
Winter Concert Friday, December 8, 2017
We are so excited to present Grades K, 5, 7 and 9 in this year's Winter Concert. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
Winter Concert Friday, December 8, 2017
9:00 AM ~ Kindergarten performance “A Time for Love.”
10:30 AM ~ 5th grade performance “Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.”
11:30 AM ~ 8th grade performance
2:00 PM ~ 7th grade play “A Christmas Scarol.”
With the exception of the 7th grade play, students should dress up in school appropriate dress shirts and pants, ties, etc, dresses. 7th grade play has chosen a character outfit and the remaining 7th graders are putting on a fabulous backstage production and should wear black.
We need volunteers, especially for clean-up. Parents who remain the entire time to clean will earn a free-dress pass for their child. Click HERE for sign up genius.
PTA Updates The next PTA General Assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14 at 8:15 AM.
Save the Date
Barnes and Noble Family Literacy Night: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Yearbook Sales
2017-2018 Yearbook sales have started and will be accepted through Thursday, March 1, 2018.
Bolts Bubble Run Save the Date: Sunday, March 4, 2018
Al Lopez Park
Details coming soon!
High School Options Reminder
The Hillsborough County Public Schools Choice & Magnet High School Application Window opened November 1st at 12:00 p.m. and continues through December 12th.
If you have questions or need assistance with completing your application please contact the Choice Information Line at 813-272-4692.
Please click HERE to review mail that was sent to all 8th grade families on November 3, 2017 with full details.