
November Newsletter

Read more to find out what we've been up to this month in Zambia! From village ministry to Thanksgiving and fun events around Global, it's been a very exciting month! 

Thanksgiving Celebration

This year we taught the kids a little about the American holiday of Thanksgiving. Many of them had no idea what it was and had never heard about it. It was a great excuse for us to make lots of yummy treats and to talk to them about being thankful. It was so fun to hear them thinking about all they had to be thankful for and the blessings that God had given them. He has given us all so incredibly much to be thanking Him for! 
They learned all about turkeys and the Pilgrims and Indians and all the traditions that Americans celebrate this time of year. But the main focus of the day was centered around the ways that God had taken such good care of them and many of them had Global Samaritans at the top of their list. Global has made such a huge impact on so many children's lives and they are so grateful for all the work Global has done in Zambia over the years. 

The Graduates 

This month we had 3 boys graduate high school. Collins Mulenga, Matthew Kashongo and Mark Marte. These 3 boys worked so hard over the years and have finally finished high school. We are so proud of them and the hard work they have done!

Matthew Kashongo graduated from Linda Community School where he has studied for the past few years. He has plans to further his education and study to become a pharmacist someday. 
Collins Mulenga finished his 12th grade at Terry Schwartz School. He was very involved in sports, especially soccer, and worked hard on his studies. He has not yet decided what he wants to study but definitely wants to further his education.
Mark Marte graduated 12th grade from Nali Tulwe School. He has worked hard on his studies over the past several years there. He plans to study education and teach history someday. He also would love to break out someday as a famous Christian rapper. 

Zam J.A.M.

This month was our last month of the year for Zam J.A.M. We have consistently had around 250 kids coming every week for games, songs, bible stories and some yummy lunch.

We are taking a break for the month of December because the kids are on holiday from school. We are already planning to continue it next week and make many improvements to make it a better experience and teach the kids even more about the love of God.

Survivor Day

Survivor day was such a fun activity day with the kids. The kids were split up into 3 different tribes and competed in both team and individual challenges throughout the day.

The kids had so much fun playing games and voting each other out and getting their faces painted. The little kids ended up taking over the game and taking out the big kids. At the end of the game, Winnie came out the ultimate champion! 
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Youth Village Ministry

This month we went out with the youth group to do ministry in Chakuziba village. In April we went out and put a well in their village with Stanton Porter's team. Then we followed up a few weeks later with showing the Jesus film and doing ministry with them. It was such a good weekend and we helped them get a church started in their village.  


It was so great to be able to go out with our youth from Global to visit and do some more discipling with the people of Chakuziba village. The youth led the kids and the youth in bible studies and it was so good to serve along side them. 

How Can I Get Involved???

There are several ways you can get involved in what's going on at Global Samaritans. So many ways to get plugged into what God is doing in the hearts and the lives of the people of Zambia. The most important thing you can do is pray for the ministry we are able to accomplish here. We need God's help as we minister to the kids here and the people in the surrounding villages.Pray for us as we attempt to pour God's light and love in the hears of the kids here at the children's home; as we attempt to grow mature, productive, Christian young men and women to go out and change the world. Pray for us as we go out into different villages around us to teach and disciple them on what it really means to live out the Christian life.
Another way you can be a part of what's going on at Global is to sponsor a child. They money that goes towards supporting a child helps provide them with food, clothing, school, housing needs and everything it takes to help a growing child succeed here in Zambia. These kids come from difficult situations but here at Global they are able to find a home and a family that loves them.
Your support helps give these kids a home and a family here at Global Samaritans when the rest of the world hasn't shown them much love at all. When you sponsor a child we'll keep you updated with letters and messages from the kids to help you keep in touch and build a relationship with the child you sponsor. 
Learn More About Sponsoring a Child
The next way you can be involved with Global Samaritans is coming to serve on a team trip. On a team trip you will have the opportunity to serve both here at Global and in some of the surrounding villages. You'll build connections with the children and get to experience the local culture and life style. 
You also get to spend a day or two taking in some of the sights of Africa, including Victoria Falls and even a safari to get a taste of Africa's wildlife. This life changing trip allows you to get a taste of exactly what our ministry here at Global is all about and allows you to be God's hands and feet to the country of Zambia. Click on the link to learn more about team trips on our website.
Another way you can be involved is to donate to our well drilling ministry. This past year we have put in so many wells in villages where people are desperately in need of clean water. These families would have had to walk for miles each day bring home clean water for their basic needs.
Because of our generous sponsors, our well drilling team is able to go into remote villages and put in wells showing them how much God loves cares about their needs. We are able to use it as a tool to go in a tell them about the love of God and living water we have through him. 
Well Drilling Ministry
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