My paternal grandfather and his brother ran a garage within walking distance of my grandparents' home.  Inside both this and his personal garage were housed shelves upon shelves of Folger's coffee cans and cigar boxes, each with a different category of hardware: washers, bolts, screws, staples, hooks, nuts, wing nuts, washers, gears....  I loved opening up each container, rummaging through to find anything that looked like treasure to my young self.  

I carried this forward with my own collections in coffee cans, cigar boxes and, the more contemporary & ubiquitous plastic versions.  This summer, I began pulling together some of this collection of raw materials in my studio and, since many were from my Ancestresses & Wise Women series, used that model of cedar  fence posts surrounded by welded steel rod and a steel base as a start.  I had already created an indoor model for this series Sentinel series years ago (see Sentinel 1) below. 

For another tack, I thought of the shelters my brother and I made in the nearby forests growing up, made of whatever was close at hand. My Shelter 1, was a fun exploration into large-enough-to-sit-in sculptures and, at last' year's October Art Walk in our building, visitors took turns inside. 

Since I plan to make more of these and they are are, well, large, I am going to need more elbow-room in my studio. So ...I am motivated to find new homes for some of my older sculptures. Give me a holler if you would like to come by my studio and see all of these for yourself and . . . Steve has that bad-ass truck with which I can deliver!
Now, more outdoor-friendly works.
Sentinel 2
84 x 24 x 16 inches
Steel, cedar post, wire, hardware, deck stain

Weather friendly. Any outdoor sculpture will alter over time. The materials in this one are chosen to delay the process. The base has holes at each corner for anchors.
Shelter 1
84 x 42 x 48 inches
Steel, copper wire, nylon tent fabric, marine rope, braided nylon rope, painted and sealed teepee canvas, padding

Weather friendly. Any outdoor sculpture will alter over time. The materials in this one are chosen to delay the process. This sculpture can use U-anchors for attachment to ground. 
These need homes!
Hidden Cities Chrysalis
43" x 26" x 13, 2010
steel, copper wire & sheeting, kiln formed glass, mirrors
  • Selected for inclusion in "Hidden Cities", the Women's Caucus for the Art 2011 National Juried Exhibition, New Century Artists Gallery, New York City, February 1-12, 2011, catalog , Juror: Lisa Phillips, director of the New Museum of New York City.
  • Selected for the Capturing the Wonder of Women exhibition at the Women's Museum of California, December 7, 2012 - February 25, 2013, Juror: Robert Pincus
"My Chrysalis series, based on Jungian Marian Woodman's concept of building symbolic protective spaces evolved into my Ancestresses & Wise Women installation, within which I hold Conversations Among Women. Time after time, the conversations touched on the need for women to look within themselves and develop their strenth, courage and integrity before working to change the outer world. In this wall sculpture, I return to the sheltered form of a woman's core with multiple mirrored elements to facilitate such explorations."
The Answers Await in the Chrysalis

84 x 34 x 16 inches
steel, copper, wood, kiln-formed glass
Sentinel 1
Steel, wood, wire, plaster, paint, glass, leather

Plasma cut steel arcs with wire pockets holding red glass cabachons. This is the indoor prototype for the newer Sentinels I am creating for more outdoor-friendly installations. 
Jean (Shinoda Bolen)
from Ancestresses & Wise Women series

76 x 26 x 16 inches
steel, wood core, paper maché, plaster, clay, paint, fabric, wooden bowls, flowers, feather, candle, photograph, velum, pomegranate

Jean Shinoda Bolen - Jungian analyst, activist, author, who uses mythology as a tool for insight and teaches us to find our self knowledge, our unique traits, strengths, principles, values and loyalties which will lead to personal transformation.
Kiln formed glass base and interior element, plasma-cut steel, copper wire
My Kelp Jewel (forged & plasma cut steel, kiln formed glass, copper wire) has a home thanks to Steve Harman Law, PLLC at 2611 Minnesota Ave, Billings.
Copyright © 2017 SHERRI CORNETT ART INC,  All rights reserved. 
Mailing address:
3222 LeeAnn Boulevard, Billings, MT 59102

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