Welcome to the AOFYE Transitions December issue! AOFYE is committed to providing members avenues to get involved in the field, opportunities to connect with literature and research, and information on professional development events.
If you want to be further involved in AOFYE or have resources to share, please email us at
Professional Development Opportunities
Each Transitions issue incorporates upcoming AOFYE- sponsored or related professional development opportunities relevant to the functional areas of Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience. 
AOFYE Opportunities

Interested in submitting a blog post or facilitating a webinar? Email for more information! 
ACPA Opportunities 
  • ACPA18 will be held March 11-14, 2018 in Houston, TX
  • Early bird rate for ACPA18 Convention is Friday, December 8!
  • For the first time, ACPA Annual Convention attendees will engage in racial justice and decolonization caucusing
  • ACPA18's Next Generation Conference (NextGen) will take place March 10-11 prior to Convention in Houson. 
Stay tuned for the release of AOFYE's open meeting and sponsored sessions!
National Opportunities 
AOFYE-Relevant Articles
Each Transitions issue incorporates relevant articles related to issues in the functional areas of Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience. 
The disconnect between what colleges say and what students hear by Valerie Strauss from The Washington Post 

College and Bust: Why So Many Students Don't Stay the Course from 1A. Report from the Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The 2017 Influence List  by Sarah Brown from The Chronicle of Higher Education

Amherest College's Telementoring Program Aids Disadvantaged High Schoolers in Chasing College Dreams- Even if They Don't Include Amherest by Laura Fay from The 74.

Do Employers Overestimate the Value of a College Degree?  by Lolade Fadulu from The Atlantic 
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