News and inspiration from Interbeing Sangha of Kingston
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Interbeing Sangha of Kingston - Weekly Electronic Bulletin             Issue #24 - December 9th, 2017

Interbeing Sangha
of Kingston

Weekly Meeting

Our next weekly gathering takes place Sunday, December 10th for meditation and dharma sharing, 6:30pm at Unitarian Place (Kingston Unitarian Fellowship), 206 Concession Street. Dale Fainstat will be bell minding.
We Are Our Actions

"When we think of ourselves as having a separate self, a separate existence, we identify with our thoughts and our body. We have the impression that we are the boss or owner of our body. . . When we think or work or breathe, many of us believe there must be a person, an actor, behind our actions. We believe there must be “someone” doing the action. But when the wind blows, there is no blower behind the wind. There is only the wind, and if it does not blow, it is not the wind at all. When we say “It is raining,” there does not need to be a rainer in order to have the rain. Who is the “it” that is raining? There is only raining. Raining is happening. In the same way, outside of our actions, there is no person, no thing we can call our “self.” When we think, we are our thinking. When we work, we are the working. When we breathe, we are the breathing. When we act, we are our actions." 

-- Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now

Sangha Library

Featured Book

One of the books available in our library is Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise, a concise, practical guide to understanding and developing our most powerful inner resource—silence—to help us find happiness, purpose, and peace, and maintain our equanimity amid the barrage of noise. Thay guides us on a path to cultivate calm even in the most chaotic places. See sangha librarian Anne Graham to borrow this book.

KUF Canvass

Special Dana

Dana collection is usually split between the sangha and Kingston Unitarian Fellowship. This week, the proceeds will go entirely to KUF, in support of their 2018 Stewardship Canvass. As always, participation is optional, and your generosity is appreciated.

This Week at KUF

Smallest Sparks

This Sunday, December 10th, Rev. Beckett Coppola speaks about finding those "smallest sparks" that give hope in moments when a shadow falls across one's life. As we enter the holiday season let us be ready to remind each other of hope, and lift up those who might be having a tough time this year.
The Fullness of Emptiness

“Emptiness” means empty of a separate self. It is full of everything, full of life. The word “emptiness” should not scare us. It is a wonderful word. To be empty does not mean to be nonexistent. If the sheet of paper is not empty, how could the sunshine, the logger, and the forest come into it? How could it be a sheet of paper? The cup, in order to be empty, has to be there. Form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness, in order to be empty of a separate self, have to be there. Emptiness is the ground of everything. . . Emptiness is quite an optimistic concept. If I am not empty, I cannot be here. And if you are not empty, you cannot be there. Because you are there, I can be here. This is the true meaning of emptiness. Form does not have a separate existence."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh, 
The Fullness of Emptiness
Our sangha has two teams helping to share leadership and facilitation of our meetings. Our Bell Minders Team are mindful facilitators for our weekly gatherings, as well as retreats, taking beautiful care of our friends in the practice including the bell. Our Sangha Care Team facilitates sangha care meetings, plans retreats, minds our library and resources, and coordinates outreach. If you are interested in helping with either or both, contact for more information.
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