Carpentry Clippings, 5 December 2017
Highlights from the Software and Data Carpentry Community Calendar
Community News
Upcoming Membership Webinar
Organizational memberships are a great way to build a local instructor community. Find out all about the benefits of Carpentries’ membership in this webinar with Jonah Duckles at 7pm UTC on 5 December. See local time and date in your zone. There will be plenty of time for your questions after the short presentation. Zoom connection details and sign up are on this etherpad.
Green Sticky Party - You’re Invited!
Celebrate a successful 2017 with our Happy Holidays Green Sticky Party (aka our 14 December community call) where we aim to celebrate the year and any successes members of our community have had. (When Carpentries staff get a win, we call it a #greensticky). Bring along your good news and share it with others - party hats optional! There are two call times on 14 December - 2pm UTC and 11pm UTC. Check local dates and times on the etherpad. See you there!
Community Champions Call
There was a good roll up to the second Community Champions call Jonah Duckles chaired on 15 November with attendees from Australia, South Africa, Ethiopia, the US, the UK, New Zealand and Norway. Attendees broke up into small groups in breakout rooms to brainstorm what makes events effective and memorable. A number of community building event types were discussed, some of which are listed here. Read a summary of the most recent call. Watch the etherpad for 2018 call dates and times.
Putting the R into Saturdays
SatRdays are community-led, regional conferences to support collaboration, networking and innovation within the R community. They are held on a Saturday to be accessible for people whose employers don’t support upskilling in work time. After a successful SatRday in Capetown this year, a second is planned for 17 March 2018. Buy tickets, submit a paper, or read more about it.
Subcommittee Activity
Plans for CarpentryCon 2018 continue to firm up. As announced, the event will be held 30 May - 1 June, 2018, at University College, Dublin. A conference website is in the works and we are starting to approach sponsors for support. We have a form for people to enquire about/express interest in sponsorship - please share this widely. We will be opening early bird registration as soon as we can in 2018. Keep an eye on the task force repo for updates, or sign up for email alerts on all things CarpentryCon.
Mentoring Co-Chair Applications About to Close
Applications to serve as the Mentoring Subcommittee Co-Chair position close on 4 December. Co-chairs host mentoring subcommittee meetings and manage the weekly instructor discussion sessions listed on this etherpad. The commitment averages around 1.5 hours/week. To nominate, please fill out this form. Read more about the benefits of this role on our blog.
Mentoring Update
Mentoring groups are now underway with most groups having met at least once. Many groups are working on specific projects to make best use of their time together. New resources have been added to the mentoring repo to help mentors and mentees alike find useful material for projects such as local community building.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
OpenCon2017 Report
Community development lead Belinda Weaver attended this year’s OpenCon2017 in Berlin. The conference focuses on open education, open access and open data, with a very strong focus on diversity as a key factor in working ‘open’. In addition to the in-person conference which attracts people from all round the world, OpenCon includes satellite events in other countries. Other Software Carpenters present were Paula Martinez and Rayna Harris who led a ‘Do-A-Thon’ on translating Carpentry lessons into Spanish on the closing day. Read the blog post.
Our Favorite Things
Eleven posts have now gone up in the ‘My Favorite Tools’ blog thread, with the latest from Robert Sare on rasterio, a Python library useful for wrangling spatial data in earth sciences. All posts to date have been aggregated here. Make a case for your own favorite tool here.
Steering Committee Elections
Other places to connect
If you can't get enough Software and Data Carpentry, here are some other places to connect with our community.
Have something you’d like to have included in our next newsletter? Please send items to