Tell us how much CMV costs your family and help our next campaign
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Calling all UK parents who have a child affected by CMV
Help us prove that CMV costs the NHS a fortune
Take our survey now:

CMV Action are working with the University of York to estimate how much congenital CMV and the long-term impairments it can cause cost the UK each year.

This will help to raise awareness of just how serious the economic impact of congenital CMV is. We will use the report to encourage more research into prevention and follow-up studies and to promote policy changes. 
We want to find out more about the financial impact of supporting a child who is born with CMV and develops complications. We know that the impact of CMV varies from child to child, and the support they require will vary too. We also know that costs don't just mean the cost of treatment itself.
We want to find out, from your perspective, not only about the medical support your child receives, but also about other costs to your family, and any changes in your working life.  It will take a few minutes and make a big difference:

To help fund this vital piece of research visit or text CMVA14 £10 to 70070 to donate now.  We do not get any government funding and every little helps.

Thank you for your help

The CMV Action Trustees
Amy, Caroline, Jan, Kate, Liz, Rebecca, Sarah, Tom

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