
Connect Issue 4 | December 2017

Your membership number is <<Membership Number>>

Welcome to Connect

Dear <<Prefered Name>>

As we approach the festive season may I, on behalf of our Council, Executive and all at 22 Clyde Road, wish you and yours a very happy Christmas and a prosperous 2018.

As your membership body it is our duty by statute to ensure Irish engineering programmes that produce graduates, meet standards that are recognised internationally. In this December issue of Connect, we provide information about how we quality assure engineering education in Ireland and support engineering excellence. There is also an article about how our strategic alignment with a number of international agreements supports our members' mobility.

We also hear from the Chair of our Energy and Environment Division, (one of 11 dedicated voluntary divisions within the organisation), about their exciting plans for 2018. We have an update on Engineers Week, our wonderful festival of engineering starting on 24 February and on our CPD policy. Our black-tie Annual Ball takes place on 19 January in Dublin with an early bird discount on tickets (10%) until 20 December.

Our 2018 membership renewal process is now underway and in your member pack this year - along with your membership card, invoice and payment options, - we share some member feedback, highlights of 2017 and plans for 2018. If you have a query on your membership or you wish to renew, please contact, or telephone +353 1 6651334.

Your continued support and engagement with Engineers Ireland is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Spillane

Director General of Engineers Ireland


Supporting your international mobility

Read about how your qualification provides you with an ‘International Passport’.

We have negotiated international agreements for Chartered Engineers with engineering professional bodies in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and South Africa.


The globalised nature of our engineering profession requires the supply of professional engineering talent in all industrial sectors across the globe.

If you are thinking of working abroad, or as one of our overseas members, coming to work in Ireland, Engineers Ireland has put in place a number of international agreements on education qualifications which will support your mobility.

While EU Directives provide for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications between EU member states, we are a signatory to a range of international agreements to help you to study and work further afield. Engineers Ireland’s signatory status supports two important areas: mutual recognition of accredited educational qualifications and bilateral recognition of professional engineering titles.

We have negotiated international agreements for Chartered Engineers with engineering professional bodies in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and South Africa.

Engineers Ireland is also an active member of international professional engineering and standards bodies such as FEANI, ENAEE and the International Engineering Alliance (IEA).


Reflecting on 2017... What did you learn?

Demonstrating our commitment to raising standards

It’s that time of the year when we look back on the last 12 months and reflect on everything from sporting achievements and political events to the best news story. When you look back on 2017 what did you learn that will make you a better engineer and a more competent and effective professional?

In 5 years’ time when you look back at 2017 will you remember the most significant learning activities undertaken and will you be able to show a record of those activities when seeking promotional opportunities within your organisation or perhaps seeking a new job? Or when applying for a professional title such as Chartered Engineer or when completing a tender for a major contract?

Our CPD Policy has been introduced so you can keep an on-going record of your major learning activities throughout the year and then refer to them at a later stage. My CPD, our online recording tool, is quick and easy to use. Recording your CPD activities for the year and completing your CPD declaration means you as an individual, and we as a profession, can demonstrate our commitment to raising standards and competences and delivering in an even greater way to our employers, our clients and society as a whole.

If you have any queries about our CPD policy, please email

Read our CPD policy (PDF) or Log on to MY CPD and make your declaration for 2017.

Selected course

CPD Diploma in Professional Engineering (NFQ Level 9) - Future Leaders, Future Managers

CPD Credit: 119 hours

Commences at 9am, 17 January, Dublin


Selected jobs

Senior Mechanical Building Services Engineer, Galway, RPS Group

Site Engineer, Dublin, Kildare and Meath, Grandbrind

Head of Design & Development, Wicklow, Sturdy Products Ltd


Industry news - The development of Carrington Power Station: ESB’s 890MW gas-fired power plant


Industry news - Why are wind turbines always painted white?


Engineers Ireland supporting engineering excellence

"Enhancing the trust, respect and influence of the profession is a central function of our role," says Damien Owens, Registrar (pictured).

As your membership body, it is our duty by statute to ensure Irish engineering programmes that produce graduates meet standards that are recognised internationally and that can chart a smooth path to a professional title.

In 2017 we continued our programme of quality assuring engineering education in Ireland throughout 21 higher education institutes and involving hundreds of courses. We undertake visits at least every 5 years to ensure engineering and engineering technology programmes meet international standards. This assures that the engineering education delivered to students here in Ireland meets best global requirements and the needs of our technology-driven economy.

The accreditation of an engineering programme is important. It confirms the academic level attained for graduates to become members and, increasingly, it is a passport for recognition in many parts of the world.

"Our accreditation work can only take place with considerable and much appreciated dedicated input from academic and industry volunteers from our Regional branches and Engineering divisions."

In 2017, we undertook accreditation visits at five different Irish colleges covering engineering programmes in a range of disciplines including Civil, Energy, Process and Chemical, Electronic, Biomedical and Mechanical – at Higher Certificate, Bachelor and Master degree levels. Each accreditation assessment visit takes 2 days.

Our accreditation work can only take place with considerable and much appreciated dedicated input from academic and industry volunteers from our Regional branches and Engineering divisions.

If you would like to volunteer to take part in an accreditation visit in the future please email Training is provided and it counts towards CPD too.

Damien Owens

Registrar of Engineers Ireland


News from our community

John Kane (pictured) is Chair of Engineers Ireland's Energy and Environment Division and discusses some of the work of this dedicated voluntary group.

Our Division’s remit is energy and the environmental impacts of energy production and usage, so any engineer with an interest in energy usage, climate change and the impacts of renewables and their usage on the grid should find our events interesting and engaging.

Energy is such an important issue at the moment and operating under Engineers Ireland helps us to access excellent speakers. To date, speakers and committee members have been extremely generous in giving up their free time to speak at our events and help drive the Division forward. We are blessed to have a number of exceptional people on our committee.

A big highlight of 2017 was our NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings) standard breakfast briefing in April, at which 45 people attended in Clyde Road, which was a fantastic turnout. We arranged for three expert speakers to present and discuss the implications of the NZEB standard - Kevin O’Rourke, Marchena Management Services; Sean Armstrong, Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government; and Chris Croly, Building Design Partnership (BDP). There are many current and future challenges for the industry and we will continue to explore these.

We consistently seek to get a diverse mix of speakers at our events covering policy and technological perspectives across different sectors. Another highlight was our discussion of negative greenhouse gas emissions and you can view the webcast of this important talk via the link below.

We will be rolling out even more events in 2018. We have a seminar planned for March on the interaction of Brexit and Ireland’s energy security, looking at future threats and opportunities. It will also look at the process of blending renewables into a low-carbon economy.

We would be delighted to welcome members at our events and the link to become a member of the Division is below.

John Kane Chartered Engineer

Chair of the Energy and Environment Division, Engineers Ireland

If you are a Chair of one of our Regional Branches, Engineering Divisions or Societies, we would be delighted to receive your input to this section. Feel free to email us.

Webcast recording - Negative Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technologies in Ireland

IE-NETs is a two year research project, funded by the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland (EPA) to provide a preliminary assessment of the potential scale, speed and reliability of negative emissions technology deployment that could be achieved in Ireland.

Watch the webcast recording

Get ready for Engineers Week

NUI Galway PhD engineering student and Mars researcher Ilaria Cinelli is pictured above with two Engineers Week superheroes.

Preparation for Engineers Week 2018 is now in full swing across Ireland as schools, businesses, community groups and volunteers from the profession join forces and work together to celebrate the exciting world of engineering.

Events and activities that aim to be fun and informative for all involved will take place around the country during the week - which will take place from 24 February to 2 March, 2018. The annual event is coordinated on a national basis by Engineers Ireland's STEPS programme - a strategic partner of Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Smart Futures Programme.

Thanks to the efforts of industry and volunteer engineers, Engineers Week 2017 was the most successful yet: with 786 events taking place across Ireland and 177 organisations taking part; managing to engage a fantastic total of 63,254 participants.

We want Engineers Week 2018 to be even more successful and we encourage all engineers to join the celebrations by showcasing the exciting world of engineering to the nation. There are many fun ways in which you and your organisation can get involved, no matter how big or small your operation is.

For ideas and inspiration, the Engineers Ireland STEPS team has created a get involved guide; where you can also register your event, download activities and exclusively, for the first time - register to host a free screening of Dream Big - Engineering Our World. Check out the Engineers Week website for more information or contact the STEPS team.

Please register your event by 31 January 2018 to be included in our events calendar, in our media promotions and to be in with a chance to win a prize.

Your guide to getting involved >
Dream, Invent, Create - Start Engineering >
Dream Big: Engineering Our World >

Engineers Ireland in numbers

500 accredited courses (past and present)
21 accredited higher education institutes
1 community