We are storytellers. That is what we do. Our mission is to tell stories that inspire thought and conversation, that illuminate the human condition, that lift your spirit. Our goal is to present the highest quality theatrical product on stage, utilizing the best and brightest talent available in the Austin theatre community.

Since 2015 we have been recognized for our work with awards and award nominations from groups including Broadway World Austin, Central Texas Excellence in Theatre Awards, the B. Iden Payne Committee, and the Austin Critics Table. Critical reviews have been uniformly positive across the board for each of our productions, and our patrons are among the most loyal in Austin.

It has been our objective since day one to mentor aspiring young theatre students. Toward that end we have employed students from St. Edward's University, Texas State University, the University of Texas, Austin Community College, Huntington-Surrey Prep School, Round Rock High School and Cedar Ridge High School in paid positions as actors and/or part of our production staff.

We hope you will join us as we continue to present universal, relatable stories.

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