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Happy Holidays 

Nautilus Architects

 Old Lyme and Southport

Will your front entry say "Welcome Home" this holiday season? 

Contact Nautilus Architects to update your home's curb appeal with an elegant, timeless, design your family will love. 

Photo Credit:  Michael Elsden, Elsden Images


December 2017

Hygge is a Danish word for a

quality of coziness, feeling

warm, comfortable and safe

that comes from doing

simple things such as

lighting candles, baking, or

spending time at home with

your family.

Wishing you and your family

lots of quality hygge this



-Christopher Arelt and Luigi
                                                       (pictured above)


Nautilus Architects


Our designs utilize quality materials, which provide depth, comfort and warmth to each project. 

Have you been searching the internet for design ideas? Perhaps you are about to embark on a renovation or addition to your home. Before you do, contact Nautilus Architects and request a complimentary guide "Homeowner's Project Handbook."
Request the "Homeowner's Project Handbook"
On Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, Christopher Arelt of Nautilus Architects, won the prestigious Innovation In Design Award for Architecture sponsored by CTC&G (Connecticut Cottages & Gardens). Design submissions were judged by an exclusive panel of judges comprised of key influencers in the design industry of their respective fields.  The judges were unanimous in their decision and selected the Nautilus Architects’ project from amongst hundreds of competing project submissions from around the state of Connecticut. 
The winning project by Nautilus Architects is located in Lyme, Connecticut.  The innovative design featured a sleek and sophisticated pool house of steel and exposed concrete with sliding glass walls situated next to an infinity pool overlooking Hamburg Cove.
Copyright © 2017 Christopher Arelt, Architect, AIA, All rights reserved.

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