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Published often and occasionally by the campers and staff of Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 Ranch in the interest of news, fun, and ... Good Camping!

Vol 4  |  Winter 2017  |  No. 2
wildflowers at the ranch

Dear Campers, Parents, Staff, Alumni, and Friends, 

friendship hillOur December has been one long string of frosty mornings and sparkling sunny days.  Each morning Friendship Hill is dusted in crunchy white frozen dew until 10am, when the sun finally pops up over Totem Pole Hill.  With the short days, icy nights, and the leaves gone from the apple trees, it is sometimes hard to imagine that this is the same place we were all together for camp just a few months ago.
Even though camp seems like a different world in the winter (imagine just two kids instead of a hundred and thirty) we still strive to embody the philosophy and practices that govern our daily lives during the summer.  Every day on the ranch -- summer or winter -- we see that shared effort builds community, that cooperation is more productive than competition, and that respect for each other and the natural world strengthens friendships and a builds a foundation for the future.  Camp may be seasonal, but the values we use to frame our summer community are a more durable proposition.  We always hope that those of you who have lived here as campers or staff will take those lessons out into the wider world.  I know we do.

new view of main campJust as camp ended last summer, another grand endeavor began.  After several years of planning, designing, refining, and fundraising, we launched the reconstruction of our main camp kitchen.  True to the Camp Trinity way, we are building the new kitchen ourselves. You can see progress here. If you’ve ever spent time at camp, you’ll know that pretty much everything here has been constructed with the help of campers and staff.  Well, the new kitchen will be no different, and if you want to lend a hand there will be many opportunities to do so.  If you are too old to come to camp, then plan to join us for a volunteer work weekend this spring when we can peel poles for the new Eating Platform roof. RSVP here
With the chill creeping in, it must be time to add another log on the fire. Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays from all of us here at the Bar 717 Ranch.  
Best Wishes,

Did You Know... ?

…that we tore down the old kitchen at the end of last summer?  We now have a HUGE pile of old boards that we can reuse for projects around the ranch.
 Dedicated kitchen crew
…that we have a hardworking crew, dedicated to making progress on the construction of the new kitchen? Check out who's helping by taking a look at our holiday card.
…that we will be cutting and peeling poles for the new Eating Platform trusses during the upcoming spring work weekends? We intend to cut all the logs before summer so that we can assemble the trusses with the help of campers and staff.
…that we just met Owen, Sam and Emma’s 3 month old baby, when they all came to visit the ranch last week?
Rosie the pig…that Rosie, our beautiful Red Wattle sow will soon farrow another set of piglets?  She's due February 4th, 2018.  Our plan is to breed her again so she will have another batch of piglets during camp next summer!
…that we made 71 gallons of apple juice last fall? Amazingly, that was only a part of the apples that we could have harvested.
…that the horses spent the fall roaming out on the range across the river at the Bar 7 and Emily's?  We brought them back in mid-November before the bridge across Hayfork Creek had to come out due to high water.
…that we have have space available in the Fourth Session (7/29-8/4 2018) and the second week of Family Camp (8/12-8/19)? Check out Dates & Rates or enroll now!

kids at camp

Support the Bar 717 Campership Fund

In the last five years, over 150 deserving children have received financial help to attend camp.  Our goal this year is to raise $40,000 so that even more children can experience the joy that a session at Camp Trinity can provide. We hope you will keep Bar 717’s Campership Fund in mind for end-of-year giving. Donations are tax-deductible and 100% of the funds raised will be used for camperships. Donate online here.

2017 Counseling staff

Summer 2018: Join Our Staff!

Summer is just around the corner and we're looking for exceptional folks to join our staff as camp counselors and support staff! We are eager to hire people who will thrive in a child-oriented, remote outdoor environment. To learn more about available job opportunities or to apply, visit the Staff page on our website or read testimonials from former staff.

The Bar 717 Ranch

Mountain Ranch living for children ages 8-16
Established 1930
phone: (530) 628-5992
Copyright © 2017 Bar 717 Ranch, All rights reserved.

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