SBR is a type of combustion and stands for ''single burn rate''. Technically, these are units where the air intake is configured to only produce one speed of combustion. The appliance don't have air damper adjustment to increase or decrease the combustion air.
To reduce particles emissions into the atmosphere, reduce wood combustion and to simplify the daily use of a wood-burning appliance.
It's easy, put some wood, start the fire and enjoy!
A factory configuration is made to position the air intake to the perfect amount of air for efficient and clean combustion. To increase the power of the appliance, just add more wood logs. For more information on how to operate an SBR click HERE
- SBR appliances can not provide a beautiful fire.FALSE Nothing better than to see it to believe
- SBR appliance are hard to start.FALSE Have a look at the quick start of a Stûv 1668-Z at L'Attisée
one of our partners in Québec.