Ontario Owl Survey Request a Route / Wait List application form

Please complete this form to be considered for any owl survey route in Ontario. This includes routes available now, routes available as waitlist only as well as routes you are taking over from a survey partner. As all routes assignments are based off of the Wait List, routes will not be assigned unless the potential surveyor has registered to the wait list and provides full contact inforamtion including mailing address. Please read on for more information.

Waitlist members receive a "heads up" regarding available routes two to three times a year. Usually in December and in late January/early February. They are also prioritized if a route becomes available in their preferred area and are contacted if a temporary surveyor is needed during April.

To see presently available routes visit https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tqS7m32_zlxsht1RwcPsx53rNMjyUQsC&usp=sharing; ONLY RED DOTS ARE AVAILABLE. Larger red dots represent priority routes that has a long history of data collection -- we would like to see these routes continue. In general and due to the high number of existing routes, we are not adding new routes at this time unless there are special circumstances (e.g. no nearby routes, existing routes are no longer accessable).

We welcome conversations with First Nation communities to see how an owl survey route can be placed/adapted in their area of interest so that it suits both research their needs and ours. 

To learn more about the survey and to ensure that this opportunity is right for you visit http://www.birdscanada.org/on_owls.

To see the list of Ontario Region YouTube webinars visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT7AMXs3so3undVG1rWIxsC_-Mti6_7fKboR-xWD5Ih4PBzeEGn_dk7znIM-mc1lRprF560WsKBA4Ro/pub
* indicates required
see map at https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?snapid=S3708533pd8 ; ONLY RED DOTS ARE AVAILABLE, note that we are not adding new routes at this time.
Please ensure that you provide a working mailing address. This helps us assign routes and it is necessary for mailing materials.
Modern technologies have required that we only have training and broadcast MP3 files online

Bird Canada - Ontario Program will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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