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December 21: Solstice

Watching the night sky darken over the final months of the year caused a lot of anxiety for our prehistoric ancestors, and in many ways, we can still feel some of that agitation as winter and the darkness encroach upon us. This is a large part of the reason why the winter solstice is an acknowledgement of darkness, yet at the same time, a celebration of light. It's a moment to accept the seasonal difficulty, but also revel in the hope that it will change. 

The stars and planets are aligned in a particularly odd way today, and if you believe in astrology, it's not the day to start something new or launch any projects. Things may also feel more difficult, more frustrating.

So in more ways then one, today is one for letting go. Letting go of the year behind us, letting go of our expectations. It is a time to hunker down, root ourselves into the earth and look forward. 

There are many ancient traditions surrounding solstice, traditions that were in place far before a pope chose December 25th as the Christian holiday. Many of these are still in place today, like bringing evergreen boughs indoors, symbolizing the rebirth of nature and vegetation. 

No matter what you believe in, celebrating solstice means celebrating tradition, celebrating the natural world, celebrating light. 

Take some time today to honor the changing season. 

Light a bonfire.

Watch the night sky.

Gather with friends.

Host a solstice feast, focusing on winter comfort foods. 

Take time for reflection. 

Acknowledge the darkness.

Celebrate the light. 


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