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Today's Dose of Smile-Therapy


Difficult Things To Do (treasury of Christopher Quotes, the Christophers)

1)To break a bad habit.
2)To love an enemy.
3)To think logically.
4)To admit ignorance.
5)To withhold judgment
( super hard!)
6)To grow old gracefully.
7)To persevere without haste.
8)To wait without impatience.
9)To suffer without complaint.
10)To know when  to keep silent.
11)To be indifferent to ridicule.
(bounce off like  water off a duck)
12)To concentrate, in the midst of strife.
13)To endure hatred without resentment.
(for the toughest of humans)
14)To fraternize without losing individuality.
15)To serve- without compensation, commendation, recognition. 
(best for last?)

So why is this on Smile-Therapy you ask? All these things, if we can do them, help us to grow and become BETTER HUMANS.
A wonderful crash course, ‘to do’ list, for a bright and fruitful 2018.

T.A. Smith, Creator/CEO • 315.672.3590
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