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Hey Everybody!

New Year’s Resolutions: To Make Or Not To Make?

New Year’s resolutions can be a bit of a sensitive topic. Some people (and businesses such as gyms) love the enthusiasm that comes about on January 1st. For others, it’s a reminder that yet another year has passed and they have failed to achieve last year’s resolution(s). While we’re not strictly for or against New Year’s resolutions at Nourish Balance Thrive, we think it’s worth highlighting a few things that might make it easier to decide whether or not to make them.

The science on resolutions has shown that two major variables distinguish those who are successful:

  1. Readiness to change and

  2. Confidence in ability to change (self-efficacy).

The researchers also reported that variables such as support for change, desire to change, or skills to change failed to distinguish between the two groups. Furthermore, self-blame and wishful-thinking were inversely related to successful outcomes. So don’t create unrealistic resolutions, or beat yourself up if you slip up along the way.

Ultimately, long-term and successful change comes down to whether or not you’re ready and confident (regardless of an arbitrary January 1st calendar date). For some brilliant insight on the topic of behavior change, we encourage you to listen to Chris interview Dr. Simon Marshall.

We’re not here to tell you whether or not to make a resolution, or what that resolution should be. However, for those people who want to add something to their lives that will benefit their health, performance, and longevity, but don’t know where to start, here are a few ideas for inspiration. Whether one of these ends up as your New Year’s resolution or not, they’re all things from which everyone could benefit:

That last one (prioritizing sleep) seems to be a hot topic as of late. But it is indeed an important place to start since quality sleep will make it easier to accomplish any other resolution.

Happy New Year!

Megan Roberts, MSc

P.S Got anything that you think is a highlight? We’d love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to

P.P.S If you’ve been diligently adding our highlights tips and other things to your health and fitness routine and you’re still not happy with your results, then some testing may be in order. At Nourish Balance Thrive, we’ve helped over 1,000 athletes identify and resolve the root causes killing their performance. Book a free consultation, and we’ll take a look at your history and share how we’d work with you as part of our “Elite Performance Program.”

→  Click here to book your free Elite Performance Program Starter Session

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