It started with an idea...
A way to bake health, sustainability and constant change into startups, brands and organisations. Positive practice = better business.

We foster a culture of good communication. What it is the brand sells, how they can serve and protect people and planet. Most importantly: why they do it.

What we, as target customers, want to interact with and why we choose to communicate a certain brand from another.

We wanted to work with people who love to experience nature, the ones who are optimistic about the future of this planet.
A challenge for relevancy, premium narrative for less and the creative responsibility of a business to make regular changes, for all its people.

For both consumers and producers.

Influencers have changed the production landscape in just a single generation, if that. Inspired people who help to inspire others.

PennyBlack is a production hub, a connector to relevant people and a promise to do right by the way we operate a responsible business.

For now, it’s time to rest and enjoy the people closest to you. No rest for the wicked, however, I’ll be finalising the first print edition of ‘TwentyTwo’ - a photo-book for better mental health in the outdoors - successfully crowdfunded this week!
What can you change today?

Enjoy your holiday!
Rest well and look forward to our future together in 2018.

S E N D  I T  

Thank you,
Thanks for reading. Suggestions on what to include or improve? Just hit reply and let me know!
Ideas to help you adapt, find your true nature and build tangible purpose with the aim to live a better work life balance.

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Radically Active Design
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