Donate between now and midnight this Sunday to double the impact of your contribution to One Earth Sangha.

Generosity is a powerful force,

one that has a way of multiplying.

Between now and year's end, the multiplication is immediate.

Thanks to one of our generous supporters, if you donate by midnight on December 31, your contribution to One Earth Sangha be matched,
dollar for dollar.

Donate Here
"Tara Healing" Original art generously offered by ©Jayna Simpson
It has been an extraordinary year. Global environmental change is now manifesting in losses, sometimes devastating, for millions of people around the world. In this year alone, we bear witness to the large-scale suffering caused by climate-charged fires, hurricanes and floods. The world continues to lose the great wealth that is our natural biodiversity and every day, millions of individual animals are treated as units of production instead of dignified, sentient beings.

Meanwhile, empowered political leaders seek to distract our attention and divide social cohesion all while granting more advantage to the already advantaged. We face ever-accumulating and simultaneous environmental and social justice crises, evidenced most recently in Puerto Rico, a perfect storm of climate-charged weather, political callousness, and aggressive racial bias resting on a deep history of the objectification of people and planet.

As you look forward to the coming year, knowing our challenges will continue, what will guide you? What connections, practices and wisdom will help you respond in a way that affirms, nourishes and protects basic goodness?

We at One Earth Sangha have never been more honored to collaborate with all of you to bring the wisdom and practices of the Dharma to this global moment. We support a vision of spiritual engagement on collective issues that includes but is not limited to resistance, that sees and counters harm but is not defined by it. Indeed, we find our own freedom not despite our conditions but through them.

We look forward to continuing this collaboration with you in 2018, exploring new projects and partnerships. But we cannot move forward without your support. With gratitude and humility, we invite you to include One Earth Sangha in your year-end giving.
Now is the time! A generous donor has agreed to pledge up to $5,000 in matching funds if you donate between now and midnight, December 31.

Donate Now

We run lean.
Your support is vital.

The staff of One Earth Sangha is almost entirely volunteer so your donations go directly to our costs and a small stipend for our director. That means every dollar you donate is stretched as far as possible to support the work of bringing the gifts of Dharma and Sangha to the collective ecological crises we face.

Only with your help will we be able to continue our work in these areas:
  • Through regular articles and webinars, lifting up the diverse voices of courageous Buddhist leaders, both established and new, as they clarify our deep interdependence with the web of life and the necessity of embodied engagement on ecological crises as integral to our Path.
  • Through programs like the EcoSattva Training, engaging and supporting Sanghas in the work of manifesting the dual, mutuality transformative streams of activism and contemplation with the goal of clarified, unshakable collective response.  
  • Through our partnerships with GreenFaith, Franciscan Action Network, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, the Global Muslim Climate Network, Hazon, Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quaker) and more, representing the Buddhist community and perspective in the global interfaith response to climate change.
In keeping with the tradition of generosity in our lineage and inherent to the living Earth herself, we invite you to support our work by making a donation today.

Thank you for considering One Earth Sangha in your seasonal giving.
Donate Here

Dedication of Merit

Our prayer that any goodness generated here be extended out into the world.

May all places be held sacred.
May all beings be cherished.

May all injustices of oppression and devaluation
   be fully righted, remedied and healed.
May those captured by hatred be freed to the love that is their birthright.
May those bound by fear be released to the safety of understanding.
May those lost in delusion find relief in the path of liberation.
May those whose comfort and safety are secured
   welcome discomfort and risk on behalf of all beings.

May all wounds to forests, rivers, deserts, oceans,
   all wounds to Mother Earth be lovingly restored to bountiful health.
May all beings everywhere delight in whale song, birdsong and blue sky.
May all beings abide in peace and well-being, awaken and be free.
Copyright © 2017 One Earth Sangha, All rights reserved.

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