
Our Programs
At the Center for Third Space Thinking we are dedicated to providing leadership development, classroom education and community engagement.  In just a few short months, the Center has enriched hundreds of executives, government officials and students around the globe with the soft skills needed to thrive in a communication-at-the-center world. 
In New York: Center Executive Director Shellee Smith and Advisory Board Member David Bishop conducted a customized Third Space experience for 13 communications executives from Western Union to help them tackle company challenges using Third Space Thinking.

In China:  The Center introduced Third Space Thinking to 52 senior government officials and executives at state owned enterprises and media organizations timed to the historic 19thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In Washington, D.C.: Center Founder Dr. Ernest Wilson participated on a panel at a two-day conference at the National Academy of Engineering attended by more than 80 experts onPreparing the Engineering and Technical Workforce for Adaptability and Resilience to Change.  He spoke on the topic of Adaptability in the context of Third Space Thinking.

In San Francisco:  Dr. Wilson also was the featured speaker at a recent Ivy event in the Bay Area where he delivered a talk titled, How to Build Crucial Soft Skills to Succeed in the Tech Economy: Lessons from the Bay Area to Beijing.  Ivy unites rising leaders and introduces them to the most transformative people, ideas and experiences in the world.

In Los Angeles:  USC Lecturer and Center Advisory Board Member Chris Swain is teaching specialized classes on Third Space Thinking at the Annenberg School for students from across the university, and two additional courses are scheduled for the Spring semester. 

And finally, we welcome Jaime Carias to the Center as a Fellow.  Jamie is a leading urban educator, author and national keynote speaker, who is well known for his ability to inspire and education students of all ages from middle school to college, coach educators and engage parents.  Jaime is the Civic Engagement Coordinator at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism where he leads service-learning programming and designs strategic partnerships with the communities surrounding USC.  Jaime will be leading a session at the upcoming 3rd Annual First-Generation College Student Summit in February (see details below).
February 210:30am - 6:30pm
Location: USC Ronald Tutor Campus Center, USC Campus
3rd Annual First-Generation College Student Summit
Join USC Annenberg’s civic engagement coordinator, Jaime Carias, for an interactive breakout session on building critical Third Space competencies from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Register Here
April 4-6
Location: USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Los Angeles
Third Space Boot Camp
A two-and-a-half-day, immersive experience where participants gain the skills and tools needed to help them and their organization become more effective problem solvers. Register Here

As reported in the first edition of The Third Space, the Center recently completed a highly successful Boot Camp in early October.  A total of 25 participants from a diverse set of organizations, including IBM, Google, AECOM, United Airlines, Western Union and others attended the two-day leadership development Boot Camp.  Ninety percent of the participants rated the overall experience as excellent or good.  To hear firsthand from one of the Boot Camp participants, click here.

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