
Jesus is the Reason for the Season

As Christmas is rapidly approaching, we hope that you will take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. During this time we can easily be distracted by materialism, which our culture wants to impose on us.  For this reason, we have to be aware, and make sure that our treasure is not in buying, getting, or receiving gifts, but sharing authentic, sincere hearts through a hug, smile or handwritten letters.

Christmas time is a time to remember that the best gift we will ever receive is Jesus. Jesus being God, decided to be born in the most humble way, coming in human form, decided to live on earth, and later die for our sins. By doing so, He gave us the best gift, His life so we could be saved. He granted us salvation! It is our desire for you and your family, during this Christmas season, that you would enjoy the best present of all, Jesus’ presence, which He gave us through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the reason for this season. May Jesus be with you and your family as we overflow with the joy, love, and peace that comes with knowing Him, and celebrating His birth and His life on earth.

We also want to thank God for His unfailing love and faithfulness throughout this year. God is doing incredible things through House of Hope, and we love that you’re a part of it. The girls in the house finished strongly this academic year! Many of the girls will graduate soon, while living in a community that only has a 30% high school graduation rate. Also, many lives are being touched through our youth group program. We have the privilege to take in, love, and feed a warm meal to children from the surrounding orphanages, twice a week. Thank you so much for helping make this happen!

We are in need of a few donations to support the youth of Casa Esperanza. We are having a retreat for the youth in January, and listed below are a few of the expenses associated with the retreat, and expenses of maintaining Casa Esperanza. We trust God will provide everything we need, and we ask that you prayerfully consider donating.

Here are some of the ways you could impact the youth at Casa Esperanza:                          
- For each child to attend the retreat is $100. We have 13 girls who need sponsors. You could help send one or more girls who would not get to go to the retreat otherwise by donating $100 for each girl you would like to sponsor.
-To serve hot meals to the youth, we use a gas stove. The gas is a large expense. To continue this ministry twice a week, we need one donation of $90 monthly.
-In 2017 we experienced three break-ins at Casa Esperanza. To ensure the safety of the girls living in the house, and prevent break-ins, we need to make sure the house is well lit. To do this, we need a one-time donation of $150 which will be used to purchase an outdoor light.

You can donate to Casa Esperanza at Thank you so much for your consideration to donate! We wish you a Merry Christmas, and blessed New Year!

But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving… Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 8:7 and 9:7

Merry Christmas Video

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