This Winter Edition of the Colesville UMC "The Beacon" discusses The Christmas Spirit of Colesville, Year-end giving request and the Christmas Cantata.  December 2017
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Pastor: Rev. Michael W. Armstrong                                  Church Office: 301-384-1941

Greetings to the CUMC Church Family:
For many people, Christmas and the Holiday Season leading into the New Year, brings many wonderful thoughts of great by-gone times.  Time spent is family gatherings, the joy of unwrapping presents under fabulous Christmas Trees and tables full of delicious meals prepared by great cooks of the famiy. There are also reflections of the good things that ocurred in the past year.  This is part of that Good Spirit of Christmas.

Unfortunately, not everyone has all of these thoughts because their lives did not follow that idylic pattern.  There was poverty, abuse, homelessness, career nags, death of loved ones and other..."issues". Sometimes, for those experiencing these memories, Christmas brings sadness and depression. 

But, like the Spirit of Christmas, there is the Spirit of Colesville!!  Under our banner, "A Community of Faith in Action", we have spent another year trying to bring a better world to people facing adversity.  During the past year, we have housed women from the Winter Haven Shelter for several weeks; donated food and clothing through the Hungry Neighbors and other other programs; distrubuted over 36 Thanskgiving Baskets to needy families; gave to the various disaster funds supported by The United Methodist Church and other outside groups; and our Stephen Ministers gave solace to many. We have even given our very blood to help others.

"Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?  And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you? And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of did it to me. 

"This, this is Christ the King..." whose birth we celebrate this day and has provided the teaching and inspiration that leads us on paths of righteousness to make the world a better place. 

Colesville UMC wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! In the coming year, consider making a resolution to support and be more engaged in the mission of Colesville UMC to continue supporting our church and community.
To keep up with CUMC activities, please regularly check the Colesville UMC website,, and our Facebook page for additional information on church activities.
Christmas is a time for giving...

As the end of the year approaches, many people look for ways to save on their taxes by making strategic donations to worthy charitable causes.  We ask you to prayerfully consider making an extra tax deductible donation to Colesville UMC.  We do great work and have a number great projects you can support.  The Board of Trustees have numerous projects on their worklist for improvements to our building and grounds.  Having completed the "sight" part of the Sight and Sound project with the digital sign, work will start on the "sound" part with upgrades to the audio system in the sanctuary and adding new video capability.  Several of our church missions and committees will need funds to support Hungry Neighbors, our special holiday food programs and other needs.

The Finance Committee struggles to make a balanced budget at the beginning of the year and then try to "make do" throughout the year.  Your generous extra contribution could help keep us on track for fiscal responsibility.

You can make either a deisgnated to support a specific project or mission or non-designated funds to be used as the Church Council deems best.
Christmas is a time for SINGING...

Under the direction of Tim Smith, Music Minister, the Colesville Music Department made great strides to deliver fabulous music this Christmas Season. The Colesville Choir, the Wongs of Praise, the Colesville Ringers, and The Children's Choir presented a wonderful Cantata.  Accompanied by a band of talented musicians, including Dr. Lloyd Mallory, Colesville organist and assistant director, the music set a strong spirit of Christmas.
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