How do you respond to a woman's faults, Friend?
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Do you see The Problem, Friend?
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals The Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1
According to the dictionary, crafty means he was clever at achieving his aims by indirect or deceitful methods. So he chose the more vulnerable partner. And through Eve's vulnerability, he was able to get to Adam's vulnerability.
I wonder how many times the enemy still uses that M.O.
Repeatedly, based on my observations. Because he is still crafty today.
Still a liar & a thief. John 10:10
Fault or Vulnerability?
We're not going to soft-pedal this, Friend. There's no doubt about the First Couple's behavior. They both disobeyed. They chose to do what they did. However, the use of the word fault leads to blame & shame.

And Jesus doesn't do that. He lived & died to redeem us. John 3:17
So that we could die to sin & live our lives in Him instead. Galatians 2:20

Whereas the enemy exploits our vulnerability.
Jesus steps into our weakness & gives us His strength.

What do you think?
What exactly were Adam & Eve's respective vulnerabilities?
Do we have the same vulnerabilities today?
Reply with your thoughts, if you like. And we’ll talk more soon.
p.s. If you missed yesterday’s email, you can find it here > just click!
encouraging Christian men to build satisfying relationships through leadership that's filled with confidence & compassion (1 Peter 3:7)
Dr. Debi Smith

Lover of Jesus & People Everywhere
Psychologist | Author | Educator

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Debi Smith, All rights reserved.

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