Issue #20 - January 23, 2018
In this issue of The Dial Up you will find:
- The 2018 calendar for match racing regattas & clinics in North America
- Application system for the 2018 Youth Match Racing World Championship
- Application system for 2018 U.S. Youth and Women’s Championships
- Downwind Jail, Part 3 – How to Put the Trailing Boat in It
- Latest Open and Women’s U.S. Rankings
The Dial Up is the US Sailing Match Racing Committee’s most effective way to communicate to the North American match racing community all the great things that will be happening, are happening, and have happened in North American match racing. If you would like to read the 19 issues published in 2015, 2016 and 2017, or sign-up to receive The Dial Up (which is completely free!), click here or go to the US Sailing Match Racing website.
This issue features the 2018 calendars for match racing regattas and clinics in North America. Now is the time to begin planning your 2018 match racing program, both for racing and learning.
You can help North American Match Racing grow by promoting and sharing this publication with all match racers you know. Use the “share” link below, or forward this newsletter to all who may enjoy receiving it.
If you have information you want to share with the North American match racing community, or have a report on a match racing event in your area, please email it to us.
Finally, I call your attention to the US Sailing Match Racing website which is loaded with helpful Match Racing resources such as videos and a PowerPoint explaining the new 2017 match racing rules, my notes on how to race all the boats commonly match raced in North America, a DVD explaining how match racing works, my coaching papers on many aspects of match racing, helpful information on becoming an umpire and running a match racing event, how to get your event graded, etc., etc.
Happy New Year!
Dave Perry
Editor, The Dial Up
Below are the links to the most up-to-date calendars for match racing regattas and clinics in North America. This calendar is a work-in-progress.
2018 Regatta Schedule
2018 Clinic Schedule
If you don’t see your event listed in the Regatta Schedule, or if you know of events planned for next year, please do the following so they can be included in the calendars:
- Be sure you have sent your Grading Request Form to Nicole Breault, the US Grading Secretary. Form and info available here.
- Enter your event on the US Sailing Calendar.
- Email your event information to The Dial Up so we can add it to the regatta and clinic calendars.
2018 USMRC Qualifying Regattas
Winners of these USMRC Qualifying Regattas will receive an invitation to compete in the 2018 USMRC, October 19-21, at the Chicago Yacht Club in Sonars.
Note: You may request an invitation to any of these USMRC Qualifying Regattas; you do not need to sail in the region where the Qualifier is being held. Also, you can request an invitation to as many of the Qualifier events as you please.
Information on each event can be found in the 2018 Regatta Schedule
Information on how to request an invitation, and the form to request an invitation, will be posted on the U.S. Match Racing Championship webpage by February 1, if not sooner.
With any questions, contact Bill Simon.
2018 USMRC Qualifiers (one more event may be added):
- April 21-22, Oakcliff Sailing (Oyster Bay, NY), Match 40’s
- May 19-20, St. Francis YC (San Francisco, CA), J/22’s
- May 26-27, Chicago YC (Chicago, IL), Sonars
- June 9-10, San Diego YC (San Diego, CA), J/22’s
- June 9-10, Bayview YC (Detroit, MI), Ultimate 20’s
- June 16-17, Rochester YC (Rochester, NY), Sonars
- August 11-12, Long Beach YC (Long Beach, CA), Catalina 37’s
The 2018 U.S. Women’s Match Racing Championship will be held at the St. Francis Yacht Club (San Francisco), August 24-26 in J/22’s, with a clinic August 23.
Invitations will be based solely on resume applications; there are no qualifier events for the 2018 USWMRC. Information on the selection system, and the application form, will be available on the U.S. Women's Match Racing Championship webpage by February 1.
With any questions, contact Bruce Stone.
2018 U.S. Youth Match Racing Championship for the Rose Cup
The 2018 U.S. Youth Match Racing Championship for the Rose Cup will be held at Oakcliff Sailing and the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club (Oyster Bay, NY), June 27 – July 1, in Sonars, (clinic June 27-28).
Invitations will be based on resume applications. The Notice of Race and information about the event are available on the U.S. Youth Match Racing Championship webpage.
The application system opens January 15, and the deadline is April 1.
With any questions, contact Dave Perry.
2018 Youth Match Racing World Championship
The 2018 Youth Match Racing World Championship, organized by World Sailing, will be the fifth running of this relatively new prestigious youth international match racing championship. The event will be held on Lake Ledro in Trentino, Italy, on July 3-8, 2018, in J/22’s.
US Sailing has announced that the selection process for the skipper representing the U.S. will be by resume. Applications must be submitted by 12am/Midnight CST on February 15, 2018.
In order to be considered for selection, skippers must meet the eligibility criteria:
- They must be current members of US Sailing when competing in the Youth Match Racing World Championship.
- They must be a U.S. citizen or eligible permanent resident with written authorization from World Sailing for an exemption under World Sailing Regulation 24.5.4.
- They must meet the eligibility requirements of World Sailing regulation 19, Eligibility Code.
- They must not have turned 23 years of age as of December 31, 2018.
Relevant links and documents:
With any questions, contact Dave Perry.
Below is a ranking of U.S. match racers based on their most recent World Sailing ranking.
Women's Rankings:
- Nicole Breault (11 in the World)
- Stephanie Roble (19 in the World)
- Danielle Gallo (34 in the World)
- Allie Blecher (39 in the World)
- Marilyn Cassedy (54 in the World)
- Morgan Wilson
- Krysia Pohl
- Janel Zarkowsky
- Robyn Lesh
- Sally Barkow
Open Rankings:
- Peter Holz (28 in the World)
- Nicole Breault (30 in the World)
- Nevin Snow (31 in the World)
- Christophe Killian (40 in the world)
- Pearson Potts, Jr. (41 in the World)
- Chris Poole
- Greiner Hobbs
- David Storrs
- Steve Lowery
- Charlie Welsh
Downwind Jail - Part 3
by Dave Perry
With the deletion of rule 17 (proper course rule), it is much easier to not only find yourself in Downwind Jail, but to put your opponent in Downwind Jail as well. “Downwind Jail” is when one boat is to the right of their opponent (looking downwind) and they can’t gybe and cross, nor can they sail into the zone of the leeward mark/gate or Pin end of the finishing line.
From that position, on the first run it is likely the boat in Downwind Jail will round the leeward mark/gate at least three lengths behind the leader, and in phase with them making it harder to gain on them, and on the second run they will likely lose the race.
The reason the boat is in “jail” is that even if the boats are overlapped and the leeward boat has come from astern, rule 17 is now deleted in match racing (see rule C2.8) meaning there is no rule requiring the leeward boat to not sail above her proper course. Therefore the leeward boat can now sail past the port layline as far as she wants to, or luff towards the windward boat.
In Downwind Jail – Part 1, published in The Dial Up Issue #18 on October 3, 2017, I explained what you should do if (a) your opponent was in Downwind Jail, and (b) you were in Downwind Jail. To read that article, click here. In Downwind Jail – Part 2, published in Dial Up 19 on November 21, 2017, I explained how to put your opponent in Downwind Jail when you are trailing around the windward mark. To read that article, click here.
How to put your opponent in Downwind Jail when you are leading around the windward mark:
1) If the trailer gybes to starboard tack *before* you have reached the “first layline”:
The key to knowing what to do is knowing where the “first layline” is. The “first layline” means, on the first run, the starboard-tack layline to the leeward mark; or if a gate, to the right-hand gate mark (looking downwind). On the second run, the “first layline” is the starboard-tack layline to the Pin end of the finishing line (right-hand end looking downwind).
If you are not at the “first layline” yet and the trailing boat gybes, do not gybe (which is what most inexperienced match racers do)! You are “Happy to Let Them Go!” You sail 2-3 lengths and then gybe with your wind clearly behind them. Your opponent is now in Downwind Jail. At first they may be able to gybe and go behind you…never let them go behind you (called “crossing over”). You may be able to close gauge with them and make it harder for them to gybe; and if they gybe, you may be able to “hunt” them (head up and prevent them from getting behind you, and forcing them to gybe back to starboard). But if you can’t prevent them from going behind you, you have to gybe *before* they get to you, and stay to their left (looking downwind). Eventually you will arrive at the “first layline” (see what to do later in this article).
But if they get at all advanced on you (either because they are sailing faster, or because you are sailing higher and closing the distance with them), they will get to the point where they can NOT gybe at all, or cannot gybe and get behind you. And if they cannot sail into the zone of the leeward mark/right-hand gate mark or Pin on starboard-tack…you own them!
2) If the trailer has not gybed and you are nearing the “first layline”:
Your first strategy is to try to sail a little lower than your opponent and move your opponent to windward of your centerline, without any risk of them overlapping you, which would be a problem given that there is no rule 17 in match racing so they can luff you aggressively. Then gybe a couple of lengths before the “first layline.” If your opponent crosses over, you have clear air and as long as you can sail into the zone on starboard tack, you beat them to the mark.
But if your opponent gybes simultaneously with you (“simo gybes”), then you need to Gybe Hot (meaning come out of your gybe on a high angle). This may be enough to keep your wind in front of theirs. But even if they eventually roll you, you will have pushed the game well above the layline to the mark, and now your opponent is in Downwind Jail.
Even better, set up for a “fake gybe” and see if you can get your opponent to gybe first *before* you get to the “first layline.” Then you go another 2-3 lengths and gybe with your wind safely behind them. A “fake gybe” (or what I call Flicking Them Off) works best when the trailer is within one (1) length of you. The reason it works is that the skipper of the trailing boat plans to do a “simo gybe” and knows you are nearing the layline where you will gybe, and is in a heightened state of anticipation. Try the “fake gybe” when you are about 8-10 lengths from the layline. You need to time to reaccelerate after the “fake gybe” and still get your real gybe in just before getting to the “first layline.”
To execute the “fake gybe” in a way that slows your boat the least, initiate the fake with a casual “stand by gybe” or some words that might put your opponent on high alert. Have your bow person begin to go through their maneuver to gybe the pole, but even if they take the pole off the mast, be sure they leave the inboard end of the pole near the mast! What will send the trailer is seeing you bear away and begin to pull on the mainsheet as if you are gybing the boom. Watch them out of the corner of your eye (don’t stare at them…it is a dead give-away) and when they “bite” (gybe), you simply head up, build speed, sail 2-3 lengths and gybe with your wind behind the trailer. The trailer is now in Downwind Jail.
If the trailer does not bite, simply head up and build speed. The trailer may even be more to windward of your centerline now. Gybe just before the “first layline” and be ready to Gybe Hot if the trailer simo gybes with you.
