It's the perfect weather for these old-fashioned DIYs and Recipes too!
Pa said it best, “there’s nothing like good hot bean soup on a cold day.” It’s the perfect time of year for warm, hearty, and comforting meals. You’ll love this old-fashioned baked bean recipe with molasses and bacon. Embrace your pioneering spirit as you combine these simple ingredients from a simpler time.
Nothing says “pioneer living” quite like making your own beeswax candles. If you’ve never made them before, you’ll be surprised at how easy and fun they are to make. Once you’re done, tie a group of candles together with twine or ribbon for the perfect handmade gift.
Are you feeling encouraged to learn something new in 2018? Consider some of these practical skills inspired by Little House on the Prairie. Even though most of us will never become homesteaders like Laura, Pa, and Ma Ingalls, we can adopt some of the hands-on arts that were part of their daily lives.
Bring warmth to your home during the blustery weather the way Ma would have done with this fun braided rug DIY. You can make them any size; all you need to know is how to cut, braid, and stitch. Try this small, placemat-sized braided rug for a country-inspired table setting. Or make one that’s large enough to be a full room rug. What colors will you choose?
This month we celebrate the birthday of Katherine MacGregor who brought such charisma and energy to the role of Harriet Oleson. As a result, fans remember her character fondly. Learn more about her fascinating life, and then take the Little House on the Prairie Character Quiz to find out which Walnut Grove character you resemble most!
This month we also celebrate Alison Arngrim’s birthday who played the infamous Nellie Oleson! You’ll love this exclusive biography, including a clip from her first episode, “Country Girls.” What were your favorite Nellie moments? Here are some of ours!
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