Important Information Cold/Flu Season
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Dear Parents/Families,

It’s that time of year…please review the attached illness prevention letter from our LP school nurse.

While our school’s cleaning company is diligent in providing cleaning services on campus daily, given the cold and flu season we wanted to send out the following as friendly reminders:

  • Students can and are encouraged to wear coats during arrival, dismissal, and while outdoors during school day (especially during this cold spell!).
  • While students are not able to wear coats/hoodies inside the building or classrooms, they are able to wear solid long sleeve shirts under their collared uniform shirts.
  • Remind and reinforce proper hand washing skills to prevent spreading germs to others.
  • If your child has a fever, he/she cannot return to school until fever-free for 24 hours

Reviewing the letter from our school nurse below and reminders above can help us in our goal in making our school a healthy and safe environment. Thank you for partnering with us!

LP Admin Team

Preventing the Spread of Illness/Communicable Diseases

Dear Parents:

It’s that time of year again! We are asking you for your continued cooperation in assisting us to control the spread of illness and communicable diseases. Our goal is to make our school a healthy, safe place for both students and staff. We will call you immediately if your child becomes ill during school hours. You are expected to arrange for your child to be picked up AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE after receiving our call.

Our school clinic is not equipped or staffed to handle ill children for long periods of time.

Please inform us IMMEDIATELY if telephone numbers or other information on your child’s emergency card changes. The information on this card is vital for the safety and well-being of your child.


  1. Vomiting or diarrhea within past 24 hours
  2. Fever within past 24 hours
  3. Sore/red throat
  4. Persistent coughing or sneezing
  5. Red watery eyes
  6. Rash
  7. Earache, drainage from ear
  8. Excessive mucus from nose (runny nose), particularly greenish-yellow mucus

Your child may return to school as soon as ALL SIGNS/SYMPTOMS ARE GONE or when your physician provides a WRITTEN STATEMENT indicating your child is ready to return.

Teaching your children proper hand washing techniques is most important measure to prevent the spread of illness.

If your child has a communicable disease, please email and tell us the nature of the illness and when we can expect his/her return to school.  Please contact me with any questions.

Thank you for working with us.

Yours in health,

Debra Kopp
School Nurse

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