
January 27 1:30-3pm Introduction of TIYA
for Therapists, Social Workers, Ayurvedic Practitioners & Yoga Teachers at Yoga Well & More..... :)

I hope you enjoyed your holidays, from Solstice to Martin Luther King Day!  I love the dark time of the year because it naturally supports rest, if you listen to the language of the seasons.  And deep inner work with our shadow aspects is more effective than in the lighter brighter days.  This work of wrestling, shedding, letting go of attachments, pruning, of giving yourself the space to grieve, or whatever has been part of your process lately is how we create space for the seeds that we plant to grow.  What have you been clearing space for so far this year?  Do the seeds you are planting feel like they are supporting your purpose here on earth or are they distracting you from what is most important?
To be of the highest service, I decided to open the first training of the year to all professionals- yoga instructors, therapists, social workers, Ayurvedic and other complementary healthcare practitioners- and I am postponing the dates by a month.  The new dates will be March 30- April 1, April 27-29 (both weekends online, with in person option) and May 24-28 retreat near Sierra Hot Springs.  The early-bird price of $1497 will extend to March 1, and the next 5 sign ups will receive an extra special price of $1108

In other excitement this month, after my article in the Union, a federal response official contacted me as part of an exploration into new modalities of first responder support and self-care.  One of the key factors he was assessing was scalability, as response operations during major events often involve hundreds and at times thousands of response personnel.  My 16 Weeks to Resilience curriculum is replicable, to be taught by qualified professionals, but I don’t have a team in place yet.  I will be offering his staff a condensed training to prepare their nervous and endocrine systems with self-care practices before the next Hurricane Maria, Harvey, Irma, or Katrina.  And I am keeping my fingers crossed I can train enough professionals to be able to meet his growing staff’s needs and help prevent them from suffering compassion burnout when compassion and presence are so desperately needed.  This is not a promise of employment, but certainly a hopeful possibility!

For those of you in the area, I'm teaching another intro class to my 50 hr Training this Saturday 1/27, 1:30-3pm at Yoga Well, 768 S. Auburn.  This is where I teach my regular Thursday evening class.  I will likely be adding a couple more classes at Training Zone in the Raley's parking lot starting mid February, so stay tuned!

Please join me.  It will be an adventure!  New baby and all…. 
May you recognize each of the blessings in your life to give you strength when you need it,
Call now to schedule an appointment: 530-615-7268 or click here to visit our website for more info
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