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Dear <<First Name>>,

First, I would like say welcome to my new subscribers: Amanda, Linda, Kathy, Sandra, Nuha, and Simona! I am always glad when new fans join my mailing list. So, please invite your friends to subscribe to my newsletter, too! The more the merrier! 

As some of you might already know, in December, I ran a sweepstakes for the release of my new book--Chameleon's Death Dance--and the happy winner posted a picture of her Grand Prize (signed copies of Books 1-4 of the Chameleon Assassin Series) on my author's page on Facebook. It was my pleasure to share my books with the winners. 

Baltimore has been frigid, which isn't a lot of fun when I'm outside. On the other hand, it's giving me a lot of time to write. I'm working on a new series, and I'm about one-third finished with the first draft. Here's a snippet to give you a flavor of the world the book is set in. 

From Gods and Demons
The type of run-in I had the previous night was rare, though more common the past couple of years. Two years before, on Beltane when the veils between realms were thinnest, celestial alignments led to a thinning of the veils to the point of rupture. Rumor was that Vampires had hired a demon to cause the rupture, but other rumors said the Werewolves had hired a realm walker.

No matter the cause, an onslaught of creatures from other realms poured into Earth, including thousands of Vampires and Weres. Demons had rampaged on the Capitol Mall, and even invaded the halls of Congress. Werewolves created a crisis in London. Humanity’s long denial of the supernatural shattered overnight. The Chinese used nuclear weapons against an invasion of demons, and shredded the veils. An onslaught of beings from other realms flooded Earth. Even beings without magic had walked between realms, and two years later, the veils remained fragile.

As the awareness of supernatural beings and witchcraft spread, rioting broke out in many places. Witches, or suspected witches, and other supernaturals were persecuted and murdered in many places. The supernaturals fought back. Martial law was declared in all or part of seven southern states in the U.S. China reverted to savage barbarism in an ongoing war against demons.

In other places, mages and witches began practicing magic publicly, Vampires opened nightclubs to prey on starry-eyed college girls, and TV reality shows became circus-like extravaganzas.

When Samhain came six months later, it became evident that Earth wasn’t the only realm affected. All
 realms descended into chaos. Enough Elves—refugees from strife in Alfheim—settled in Iceland to start their own political party.

But having two men in a black Mercedes follow me around was a first.

I hope reading more books in 2018 is on your resolution list, <<First Name>>

BR Kingsolver
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