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TWEED editing tailored to the academic
Dear <<FIRST NAME>>,

I recently announced a new service that helps academics make winning first impressions. The CV Diagnostic provides a detailed snapshot of your most important document, one that deserves to be looked over by a pair of trained eyes before you next send it out into the world.
CV Diagnostic

Here’s what the CV Diagnostic gives you:

  • feedback on the crucial dimensions of your CV—organization, phrasing, consistency, clarity, coverage, and style
  • section-by-section constructive critique
  • concrete steps for making your presentation more successful
  • principles of effective CV construction

My aim is to make this service affordable and something accessible to scholars at all career stages. I am therefore offering an introductory price of $75 for CVs of up to six pages in length.*

For $75, I spend hours looking over your CV, deciphering its logic, assessing its ability to convey your academic life—that’s what curriculum vitae means, after all—and putting together a detailed report for you. You receive a packet with several pages of succinct, personalized feedback that you can put into action. I am always available for clarifications after you look over the report, too.

To get started on the road to a shinier, more effective CV, visit this page and then send me an email.

Because this service has a flat rate, it's also an excellent graduation gift. Contact me to arrange the gift, and I will provide a charming certificate for your graduate.

Remember, the TWEED website houses plenty of free resources for the scholarly writer. Some of the newest additions are the Ever-Expanding Compendium of Academic Verbs and the complete set of Dissertation-to-Book Guides.

Enjoy, and don't forget about that CV!

*If your CV is more extensive, contact me and we can work out an equally valuable plan to suit your needs.

Katie Van Heest,

founding editor of TWEED. A PhD myself, I know the plight and promise of scholarly writers. I earned a certificate in manuscript editing from the University of Chicago, where my instructors were the press editors most familiar with The Chicago Manual of Style.

I am a devoted resource for the writers with whom I work. My services are tailorable and my working style flexible so as to best meet the specific needs of your next academic writing project.

Every writer can benefit from another pair of eyes. Behind these spectacles, my eyes are sharply trained to help scholarly writers fine-tune their compositions.

Drop me a line to discuss the possibilities.
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