Bolt of Blue Dress Down Day for Thunder and Lightning Levels or Donate $6
Family Spirit Afternoon at Dairy Queen
February Lunch Menu Open for Orders Deadline is Midnight
Thursday, February 1:
Intent to Return in 2018-19 Online Form Deadline at midnight for all Current K-7th Students
Conference Night: See your teacher for details on individual conferences
Middle School Strike Zone Award Ceremony
Friday, February 2:
Kindergarten Field Trip
Week of 2/5-29 Spirit Week See Flyer Below
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Third Notice Concerning Cold and Flu Season We are working diligently to maintain a healthy environment for all children staff and families. At this time the cleaning crew has been alerted to stay on top of cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces. Staff have also been provided materials needed to assist in wiping down commonly touched surfaces daily. Staff is also encouraging frequent hand washing and reminding students to cough in their elbow and wash their hands after using a tissue. At this time we have had a few confirmed cases of the flu however, our attendance numbers are well above any reason for concern. Parents can assist us in maintaining a healthy environment by keeping children home who show signs of communicable disease and encouraging frequent proper hand washing. If your child has a fever, he/she cannot return to school until fever-free for 24 hours without the assistance of fever reducing medicines.
Reminders From the Clinic Please click HERE to review previously published information from the clinic.
Letter from the Florida Department of Health Regarding Influenza
Previously published to parents, please click HERE for a letter from the Florida Department of Health regarding an increase in flu reports recently and steps to help prevent the spread of the contagious disease.
Lunch Menu Tastes of Tampa Bay Lunch Catering
All orders must be placed via
Please see our website for full details.
February Lunch Menu 2/1-2/28 open for orders -deadline Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at midnight.
FINAL DEADLINE: Intent to Return or Transfer Required for All Current Kinder-7th Grade Deadline to complete the required Intent to Return online form by Thursday, February 1, 2018, at midnight. See previous NEWSFLASH publications for full details.Please contact our lottery coordinator, Lori Toso, at with any K-8 enrollment questions.
Lutz Prep Family Spirit Afternoon Come join our LP Community for an afternoon of fun and food! Wednesday January 31, 2018
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Ballantrae Dairy Queen
17826 Aprile Drive
Lutz, FL 33558
10% of ALL sales will benefit Lutz Prep 8th grade class to fund for their graduation dance!
Dine in and take out ONLY, drive thru excluded from benefit salesBolts of Blue Dress Down Day Our next Bolts of Blue Dress DownDay is this Wednesday, January 31, 2018 for those eligible students who sponsored the campaign at the Lightning or Thunder Level.
Additional students can still participate!
Any students still wishing to participate in dress down day can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on Wednesday, January 31 (funds still applying to Bolts of Blue Campaign).
FLAG FOOTBALL COACH NEEDED ASAP: Coach Mollick and our Middle School Boy's Flag Football B Team are desperately in need of a coach ASAP. Please contact Coach Mollick if you can volunteer. Requirements:
Needs to get fingerprinting done with HCPS. Fees will will be reimbursed by Lutz Prep.
Online coaching Certification is required with fee also reimbursed.
Season begins 1/29 and runs through 3/9
Typically 2 games per week (Mon/Wed) from 4:30-5:30. Also, 2 practices per week (Tues/Thurs) from after school until 4:30.
Travel will be necessary around the North Tampa area.
PTA Updates Upcoming Events
Lutz Prep Spirit Week, February 5-9, 2018, click HERE for flyer
Daddy Daughter Dance, Friday, February 23, 2018, click HERE for RSVP.
Mother Son Event, Friday, March 2, 2018, click HERE for RSVP.
Yearbook Sales
2017-2018 Yearbook sales have started and will be accepted through Thursday, March 1, 2018.
Order forms and envelopes were sent home with all students to purchase by cash, check, or money order payable to: Lutz Prep PTA. If you need additional copies please stop by the front office.
NEW: PTA Yearbook Website
Please click HERE to visit the PTA website for everything related to yearbook. From this site you can:
Get link directly to the Interstate Studio website to place an online order.
Help out the Yearbook Committee by uploading classroom/field trip/school events that will assist in creating a memorable yearbook for our school.
If you have any questions regarding the 2017-18 yearbook or any of the items above, please contact the yearbook committee at
After School Activities New Session
Color Wheelz: Dream Catcher Painting starting Friday, February 16, 2018
The Leader in Me 7 Habits
Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win-Win
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Sharpen the Saw
Please click HERE for a helpful Leader in Me Parent Guide to help you learn more about the program.