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Technology Salon DC

How Will the End of US Net Neutrality Impact ICT4D?

RSVP Now for the next Technology Salon DC
Washington, DC - Jan 30 - RSVP Now
The FCC recently scrapped net neutrality regulations and will no longer regulate high-speed internet delivery as a utility. This signature achievement of FCC chairman Ajit Pai was widely denounced by Internet advocates as heralding the Balkanization of Internet access in the USA.
What Happens to Internet Policy in Developing Countries?
While we face a brave new world of prioritized services in the USA, what will happen to Internet policy around the world as the US forfeits its previous role as a net neutrality champion? There are a few notable exceptions, like India, which has organized Internet access advocacy strong enough to expel Facebook's Could they offer us an alternate, more equitable example?

Please RSVP now join these noted thought leaders for the first Technology Salon DC of 2018 moderated by Wayan Vota: Please RSVP now for a lively, informal, in-person debate as week seek to find answers to questions like:
  • Why did the FCC repeal net neutrality regulations?
  • What role should we play in domestic Internet access policy?
  • When can tools like zero rating and 2G for all be a good thing?
  • Who is leading the charge for greater Internet access globally?
  • Where is the next threat to net neutrality, and the open Internet?
  • How can we work with donors and the private sector to increase Internet access and its relevance to our constituents?
We’ll have hot coffee and catered breakfast treats for a morning rush but seating is limited so please RSVP now.  Once we reach our 35-person capacity there will be a waiting list!
Net Neutrality and Global Internet Policy
Technology Salon DC
8.30 – 10.30am,
Tuesday, January 30th, 2018
Downtown Washington, DC
RSVP is required for attendance

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2018 Topics
What Salon Topics Should Be Next?
Did you know there are Technology Salons in 13 cities around the world now? We engage over 9,000 thought leaders and decision makers with engaging and informative in-person discussions.

What topics do you want to debate in 2018?

Technology Salon is amazing because its amazingly relevant to your work. Help me keep it that way! Please tell me:
  • Which problems, issues, and opportunities are challenging you?
  • What technologies are you experimenting with – or want to?
  • Who is innovating that you want to hear from? 
I promise to read and reflect on every single submission to make sure Technology Salons continue to be at the intersection of technology and development. - Wayan Vota, Tech Salon DC

About the Technology Salon

The Technology Salon™ is an intimate, informal, and in-person, discussion between information and communication technology experts and international development professionals, with a focus on both:
  • Technology's impact on donor-sponsored technical assistance delivery, and
  • Private enterprise driven economic development, facilitated by technology.
Our meetings are lively conversations, not boring presentations. Attendance is capped at 35 people - and frank participation with ideas, opinions, and predictions is actively encouraged. 

It's also a great opportunity to meet others motivated to employ technology to solve vexing development problems. Join us today!
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