Celebrate by learning more about Laura in this new book, taking a fun quiz, and other great goodies.
As we celebrate Laura’s birthday this month, we can’t help but delight in the variety of characters she introduced us to through her wonderful stories. Many of these characters (and some new ones) live on through the television show as well. Take our quiz to find out which character you resemble most! 
Valentine’s Day is around the corner! Don’t fall back to old clichés–give your loved ones a gift that’s inspired by the things you value and enjoy. Here you will find seven unique gift guides for each special Little House fan in your life.
In the book On the Banks of Plum Creek, Ma teaches Mary and Laura to turn old brown wrapping paper into pretty, festive star-shaped garlands. This craft is simple to do and adds a whimsical touch to any room. Try our heart-shaped variation for a fun Valentine’s Day DIY to share with your children.
In celebration of Little House on the Prairie® partnering with Cotton Babies on a new cloth diaper collection, we’re taking a closer look at how cloth diapers have changed over the years. The Ingalls family relied on cloth diapers because disposable diapers weren’t invented until the 1940s. What has changed since Laura’s day and what is similar?
It’s Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday! Her stories sparked the imagination of generations and have been retold and adapted in a variety of ways. If you want to learn more about the real Laura, you will love this biographical documentary directed, narrated, and co-produced by Dean Butler!
This week brings us a fabulous gift in the form of a new book by Stephen Hines! A Prairie Girl’s Faith delves into Laura’s religious beliefs, showing how the Ingalls family and pioneers practiced “loving your neighbor as yourself”. Read more about this brand-new book release in time for Laura’s birthday.
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