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Gymnastics Revolution launches a new SAFETY INITIATIVE!

We've all been thinking about the concept of safety over the past weeks.  Terrible events in the world of gymnastics have actually brought to light many concerns, and are giving us new opportunities.  As educators, coaches, and even teachers, Gymnastics Revolution remains deeply committed to maintaining and even improving its already safe environment.  But we feel strongly that more effort must be made to protect our children.  

Gymnastics Revolution feels that, however lofty, however unrealistic it may seem, we should all work together to stamp out abuse in every form it might take.  With that said, we are officially launching a brand new program, called Gymnast Warriors.

Gymnast Warriors will seek to educate.  We feel that this is the one true way to destroy predators and ensure the safety of our children.  Participants will learn how to advocate for themselves, how to speak up, how to find their voices.  They will develop the moral fortitude to know wrong from right, and to be helpful to their friends, classmates, and fellow students.  But that is not all.  This program will also educate parents.  Parents need to know the questions to ask, know the signs of an impending problem, know how to react when a child asks them for help.  Parents will learn the all important skill of creating the conversation with their child.  And through this program, Gymnastics Revolution, and we hope the community at large, will become an even safer, more transparent place.  We will be dealing with the current events in gymnastics, and the future of our sport.  But most importantly, we will empowering children and parents, paving a road to a safer world.

Here are two images - buttons that will be handed out to both children and parents - that sum it all up.  We think you'll see the value.  In fact, we think you will realize that you cannot afford to NOT be a part of this incredible effort!  Click on either button to be taken to our brand new Facebook Page.  More importantly - come to our very first Town Hall Style meeting this Wednesday, February 7, at 6:00 PM at Gymnastics Revolution.  Again, we are talking about making our children stronger and safer through education of both children and parents.  You won't want to miss this!

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