January 31, 2018
2017 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report Now Available
Dear Friends:
We’re proud to report that 2017 marked another year of record-setting progress on the Central Texas mobility front. In February, we cut the ribbon on the 71 Toll Lane in southeast Travis County, and in October, celebrated the long-awaited opening of the full northbound and southbound MoPac Express Lane in Central Austin. With usage already exceeding projections and commuters enjoying measurable travel time savings, our vision for greater mobility is truly coming to life.
Click here for an interactive version of the annual report, or here for a pdf, and get a brief tour of the past year’s milestones as well as a preview of what’s in store for 2018.
Here at the Mobility Authority, getting you moving is what keeps us going. We are passionate about connecting Central Texans to everything they love, and our dedicated team works day and night to achieve that goal. Our holistic approach considers the needs of drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians; encourages the use of transit; optimizes our existing roadway network; and implements projects to move people and commerce more effectively and efficiently.
We aim to close the gap between where affordable housing exists and the bustling employment centers that make our region so robust. We take great pride in the work we do, which goes beyond building roads. We cultivate a broader way of thinking about mobility that balances our commitment to protecting the environment with the evolving mobility needs we were created to meet. But this is just the beginning. The comprehensive regional roadway network we are developing will make the Central Texas region accessible and livable for years to come. Learn more about our projects and how we’re putting you on the fast track to greater quality of life.