Women In HPC February 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to the February 2018 Women in HPC Members Newsletter.

Welcome to the WHPC February 2018 newsletter. The days may still be dark but the evening’s are brightening slowly and Spring is just around the corner. As we all look ahead to the sunnier days of summer and putting away the thick woolly jumpers, this months newsletter offers some inspiration and opportunities.

Firstly, do you know an inspiring woman working in research in Europe? Why not nominate her for the Annual PRACE Ada Lovelace awards? Sometimes we are all a little hesitant to put ourselves forward so lets give each other a leg-up and nominate those around us who are inspirational. More details on the award are below.

If you are a little earlier on in your career and wanting to build your CV skills, one key skill is the ability to interview and assess talent. Whether you want to become a manager or academic, at some point you are likely to need to assess someone else’s technical abilities. The Irish Centre for High End Computing are currently looking for external panelists for their round of recruitment. Full details on how to get involved are below.

If you are after a little inspiration for transforming your workplace to a diverse, bright, and inclusive environment, check out 500 Women Scientists, an international grass-roots movement dedicated to helping foster workplace cultural change by forming small ‘pods’. The organisation also offers the opportunity to ‘find a scientist’ in your area to help inspire those around you and diversify conference keynotes and panels.

Finally, why not become an inspiration yourself? Soapbox Science is a science outreach organisation, started in the UK but now present across Europe, Canada, India and Australia. The aim is to bring cutting edge research into the streets whilst also promoting the visibility of women in science. If you are doing great science, then consider being an inspiration to some future scientists, disseminate your work to the public, and at the same time start addressing gender stereotypes about Women in STEM!

Nominations open for the PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC

PRACE initiated the “PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC” at PRACEdays16, having Dr. Zoe Cournia, a Computational Chemist, Investigator – Assistant Professor at the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Greece as the first successful winner. Dr. Frauke Gräter of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies and University of Heidelberg was awarded the second annual PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC at PRACEdays17.

PRACE is now welcoming nominations for the third annual Ada Lovelace Award. The nomination process is now fully open via: details are available hereNote that nominations close this week on Thursday 1 March 2018.

The winner of the Award will be invited to participate in the concluding Panel Session at PRACEdays18, and will receive a cash prize of € 1 000, a certificate and an engraved crystal trophy.

Female interviewers wanted

The Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC) are seeking women to help them in their recruitment process. ICHEC aim to have an external panelist for interviews that judges candidates during recruitment. By presenting a gender balance in their interviews, ICHEC hope to encourage future female candidates to apply for more jobs and continue their careers in HPC once they see that half the panel is made of expert women. The benefits of volunteering include building expertise in interviewing people and assessing technical skills all of which will benefit the volunteers in your future careers. Responsibilities will include attending the interviews which are normally held via video-conferencing. The requirements for an expert panel are:

  • PhD
  • 4+ years experience in HPC.

If you are interested or wish to know more please email Sufian Al Aswad.

The Women in HPC Blog and Job Opportunities in HPC

Make sure you stay in touch with what WHPC is doing each month between newsletters.

Last month’s posts:


If you are looking for your next opportunity, be sure to keep an eye on the WHPC Resources page, where we list new job opportunities in the HPC sector from around the world.

Open Positions: If you are keen to recruit a diverse set of individuals to your term we are currently offer free advertising on the WHPC website and to our members for jobs relevant to our members. 

WHPC does not directly endorse any of these advertisements, nor do we receive any funding for advertising. Our aim is simply to put prospective employers in contact with prospective employees and we take no responsibility for the contents of the adverts or any inaccuracies.

Just the Facts

This is the Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) members newsletter. If you would like to join WHPC and receive this newsletter in your inbox each month and get first access to our events you can join online for free.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or items you would like to include in future newsletters please contact us at We are particularly interested in hearing from event organisers or programmes that are looking to recruit women and would like to have their information shared in the Opportunities section of our newsletter.

Previous WHPC newsletters are available on our website.
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