New Issue of Pathways!
The winter 2018 issue of Pathways examines whether the “Clinton welfare reform” of 1996 delivered as intended and whether it’s time to undertake a new round of reform.
Who Speaks for the Poor?
In her new book, CPI research group leader Karen Jusko argues that the key to understanding the limited political and partisan representation of low-income voters lies in American electoral geography.
State of the Union: Earnings
Between 1970 and 2010, the earnings gap between whites and other groups has narrowed, but most of that decline was secured in the immediate aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement.
The Second Shift
In this video from our online course on poverty and inequality, UC-Berkeley professor Arlie Hochschild explains how families coped with the influx of women and mothers into the workforce.
Primary Education and Upward Mobility
CPI research group leader Raj Chetty examines policies for increasing the number of low-income students who attend highly selective colleges in this video from his course on using big data to solve social problems.
Hispanics, Neuropsychology, and the Death Penalty
Do you want to learn more about the role of clinical neuropsychology in determining sentencing? Come to a talk by Antonio Puente, professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington.
Wednesday, February 7, Black Community Services Center, Brandon Room, 12pm
Fireside Chat with Nobel Peace Prize Winner Kailash Satyarthi
Kailash Satyarthi was awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for “struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.” He will be speaking about his work in a talk co-sponsored by the CPI.
Thursday, February 8, Sapp Center for Science Teaching and Learning, Room 111, 6pm
Stanford CEPA Research Conference
Leading experts discuss some of the most pressing issues and promising practices in education policy, including segregation, inequality, achievement gaps, teacher policies, and research practice partnerships.
Monday, February 12, CERAS 101, 8am
Black Strategic Mothering
Yale professor Riché Barnes explores how black women have continued to survive and thrive despite oppression in the work force and in their homes and communities.
Tuesday, February 13, Stanford Humanities Center, Levinthal Hall, 4:15pm
Consequences of Race, Color, and Bodily Capital
Princeton University professor Ellis Monk explores how skin color shapes life chances in the United States and Brazil.
Thursday, February 15, Mendenhall 101, 12:30pm
Building Oligarchy
UC-Berkeley professor Paul Pierson argues that there is ample reason to worry that politics is now a major channel for the self-perpetuation of economic elites.
Wednesday, March 7, Cubberley Auditorium, 7:30pm
Part of the CPI-sponsored lecture series “A New Social Compact? Rising Inequality, Intransigent Poverty, and the Path Forward”