SCOSA E-Newsletter, Volume 7, Issue 3
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SCOSA March 2018 E-News


Engage at Every Age:  SCOSA Festival Invites Sponsors, Exhibitors, Collaborators

Save the Date – May 17, 2018 SCOSA’s Annual Festival celebration of Older Americans Month. The national theme, “Engage at Every Age”, emphasizes that you are never too old (or too young) to take part in activities that can enrich physical, mental, and emotional well-being and also celebrates the many ways older adults make a difference in our communities.  As usual, our Festival will capture the national theme as it relates to South Jersey with a variety of informative and enjoyable activities.  Engaging older adults, professionals, providers and others will make this an important and memorable event!  Periodically check our Festival Page as the program is built in the coming weeks. 

Calling All Exhibitors and Sponsors: Click here to view our prospectus for Sponsors, Exhibitors, Advertisers, and Donors. Please email or with any questions or suggestions.

Stockton Undergrad Researcher Seeks Participants in TimeSlipsTM Study, Beginning on Saturday, March 3rd. Last chance to register. 
Do you sometimes forget where you put your reading glasses, keys or wallet? Is remembering to pay bills on time more difficult than it used to be? Do you occasionally get to the grocery or hardware store and forget an item or two that you intended to buy, but didn’t write down? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be eligible to participate in a research study by Stockton Student Madison Chant. TimeSlipsTM is an award-winning story-telling program that promotes creative expression among older adults. Madison has been trained in TimeSlips and seeks participants age 65 and over for her senior project for distinction. Before the study, enrolled participants will complete a few brief questionnaires. Then for five weekly sessions of one hour each from 10:30-11:30am on Saturdays in March, the group will participate in the enjoyable TimeSlips Storytelling program. Refreshments will be served. Additional brief questionnaires will be completed at the end of the fifth week. 

A small monetary reward of $25 will be provided as a token of appreciation for those who complete the entire program. The program will occur on Stockton University's main Galloway Township Campus. 

If interested in learning more or participating, please Click here to provide your name and contact information as directed, noting your interest in the TimeSlips Study. If you have questions, please contact  SCOSA  Director Dave Burdick at or call 609-653-4311.

SCOSA Seeks New Presenters for Older Adult Education Programs
SCOSA has been please to present scores of wonderful and informative presenters and presentations since our inception 11 years ago. Our presenters work in senior living fields, are professors and researchers, or have skills they are willing to share from other areas. Regardless of background, all provide quality presentations for everyone who attends our Older Adult Education programs.  In order to expand our offerings for the second half of the year (June – December) we encourage individuals who have expertise and passion on topics that can "nurture body, mind, and spirit to email to discuss your ideas.

SCOSA Invites Submissions for New E-News Column: 
Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond 

SCOSA recently launched Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond, designed to assist community organizations and agencies that serve older adults in our region to better publicize their programs about aging.

SCOSA Older Adult Education Program

To see a description or register for any events, click the link associated with the event. 

Feb 28 & March 5, 2018 
8:30 am - 10:30 am 
Stockton University Sports Center
101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway, NJ 08205  

Knitting & Crocheting 
Mondays, Feb 26 – April 2, 2018 
9:30 am-11:30 am 
Materials Fee: $40.00 for 6 weeks 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050 
Hot beverages available 

One-Stroke Painting 
Mondays, Feb 26 – April 2, 2018 
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 
Materials Fee: $40.00 for 6 weeks 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050 
Hot beverages available 

Time to Tell: Memoir Writing 
March 1, 2018 
Requirement: Notebook and pen 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050 
Hot beverages available  

Helping Seniors to LIVE 
March 5, 2018 
11:15 am - 12:15 pm 
Galloway Nutrition Site 
621 W. White Horse Pike, Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 

Baguette Basket 
March 10, 2018 
10:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Materials Fee: $25.00 
Swan Bay Folk Art Center 
300 Sooys Landing Rd, Port Republic, NJ 08241 
Snacks available

A Tour of Poetry for Seniors 
March 10, 2018 
11:00 am - 1:00 pm 
Northfield Public Library 
241 W Mill Rd, Northfield, NJ 08225 

Contact Cape-Atlantic Telephone Reassurance Program 
March 13, 2018 
9:45 am - 10:45 am 
Egg Harbor City Nutrition Site 
341-351 Cincinnati Avenue, Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 

March 13, 2018 
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 
Kramer Hall 
30 Front St., Hammonton, NJ 08037 

Laughter is the Best Medicine 
March 14, 2018 
11:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Brigantine Nutrition Site 
265 42nd Street South, Brigantine, NJ 08203 
Meal Served by Nutrition Site

Time to Tell: Tapping the Source Memoir Writing 
March 17, 2018 
10:30 am - 12:30 pm 
Stockton University, Meeting Room 1 
101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway, NJ 08205 

Heart Disease 
March 21, 2018 
10:30 am - 11:30 am 
Leinweber Nutrtion Site 
235 Dolphin Avenue, Northfield, NJ 08225 
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 

Card Making 
March 23, 2018 
12:30 pm-2:30pm 
Materials Fee: $3.00 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050 
Hot beverages available 

Home Safety with Style 
March 28, 2018 
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 
Woodview Estates Assisted Living 
5030 Unami Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330 
Meal served by Woodview Estates 

Soul Collage Workshop 
March 29, 2018 
10:30am- 1:30pm 
Materials Fee: $15.00 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050 
Hot beverages available 

Programs may range from training opportunities for professionals working with older adults, to fundraisers for organizations that serve elders.  A similar weekly events calendar is e-mailed by our friends in the Gerontology Program at Virginia Commonwealth University to 9000 subscribers in Virginia. 

Organizations may submit materials for our calendar no later than the 18th of each month for inclusion in the following month’s newsletter. Newsletters are also posted on our website under the newsletters/press releases tab. Click here to submit items.  Items are published on a space available basis and we reserve the right to reject any that are inconsistent with SCOSA’s mission or deemed inappropriate for our audience.  Please direct questions to Patricia W. (Trish) Collins, Community Engagement Liaison, at or by phone (609) 652-4456.   

Memory Café News
We sadly note the recent passing of two good friends from our Memory Café.  Anita Goldberg was an amazing spirit and caring Elder Hero, who worked tirelessly to help other caregivers whose husbands suffered from Alzheimer’s.  Anita was the driving force behind our Memory Café and a monthly one she planned and ran at Spring Village, where her husband Herb spent the last few months of his life. It was in Herb’s memory that she raised thousands of dollars at the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s.  Anita died peacefully in her sleep last week after a brief illness.  A memorial service will be held on Friday March 2, 2018. Please click here for details and to leave condolences.

John Barishek, a participant in our weekly program passed on January 20th due to complications from Alzheimer’s disease.  John and his devoted wife Mary were regulars at our meeting. Despite his advanced Alzheimer’s, John always had kindness in his heart and nice things to say to those he encountered. Mary was an amazing caregiver. A memorial service for John will be held on March 9th, which would have been John and Mary’s 50th Anniversary.


Stockton Faculty – Please scroll down to Research and Scholarship section for information on Faculty Research Scholar funding deadline and Faculty Institute on aging. 

Brown Bag Lunch & Learn: Free Webinars for Professionals, Faculty/Staff, Students, Retirees, and Community Members  

Through SCOSA's membership in the American Society on Aging (ASA), we continue our presentation of informative webinars. Program times vary; please click on individual programs for details. To register, e-mail, providing full contact information, indicating which program(s) you plan to attend and whether you need a temporary parking pass e-mailed to you (passes are needed in campus parking M-F before 3:30pm).

Holistic Aging: Mind, Body and Soul
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Campus Center Meeting Room 1 

Healthy Nutrition for Older Patients
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Campus Center Meeting Room 1 


Research and Scholarship on Age and Aging: 

SCOSA's mission is to 'nurture body, mind and spirit of older adults through research, education and service.'  To promote research and scholarship on aging, SCOSA supports a variety of activities.  Here is a sampling of recent and upcoming activities in this area. 

Faculty Research Scholars:  Applications are now being accepted for Stockton faculty interested in becoming SCOSA Faculty Research Scholars for the fiscal year beginning in July. A total of $10,000 in this funding cycle. The deadline to apply is March 2, 2018 and faculty have received two e-mails from Dr. Lisa Cox, SCOSA Research Chair providing all of the details. Faculty are encouraged to e-mail with any questions.  The public can see a listing of past SCOSA Faculty Scholars and their projects by clicking here

SCOSA Faculty Institute on Aging Research: SCOSA was recently approved by the Provost's office to host a Faculty Institute on Aging Research to be held on Thursday May 17th during SCOSA's Annual Festival.  The Institute, directed by SCOSA Faculty Research Fellow Lisa Cox, Ph.D., MSW, is an intensive course on the latest theory, research and practice in the field of aging, with the intention of encouraging greater numbers of Stockton's growing faculty to get involved in research and perhaps teaching on aging. Stockton faculty received notification on this project in an e-mail from Associate Provost Carra Hood. Applications are due to no later than April 9, 2018.   

SCOSA Research Participant Pool: Older adults who want to assist in new research on age and aging are welcome to join SCOSA's Participant Pool.  This service to Stockton faculty (and student collaborators) helps to match researchers to older adults willing to participate. For example, people in the pool were directly contacted to see if they would be interested in the TimeSlips(TM) study referred to above.   

Reports on Recent Scholarship: 

1. “Gerontology Focused Session at the 2018 Stockton University Day of Scholarship”. 

On Thursday, March 22, 2018 from 9:35 AM- 10:00 AM in the Campus Center Meeting Room #2, Lisa Cox, Ph.D. and Gina Maguire, MSW, LSW will discuss how running guided autobiography and “Time to Tell” writing groups for older adults can lead to scholarly publications.  Pedagogy components and excerpts from the recently published book, Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success will be shared.  Click Here for more on the Day of Scholarship – the complete listing should be available very soon.  

2. SCOSA Faculty Research Scholars' Brief Reports 

Professor Duo (Helen) Wei, Ph.D., recently reported on her SCOSA-supported research.  

Professor Wei, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems had her publication accepted for inclusion in Methods of Information in Medicine, the oldest journal in medical informatics entitled “Validating UMLS Semantic Type Assignments Using SNOMED CT Semantic Tags.” She also attended the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium in Washington, DC (November 4—8, 2017) to present a research paper titled, “Using statistical models to predict senior patients’ use of Smartphone Apps for managing Parkinson’s disease – A preliminary study from a service learning project”.  The project utilized a multiple logistic regression model to predict senior adults’ inclination to use a Smartphone App to manage their Parkinson disease. The results concluded that is a statistically significant association between the inclination of usage and patients' gender.   Male patients chose to use the Smartphone App more often than females.  Dr. Wei is currently developing an online Medical Informatics class.  

3. Professors Kaite Yang, Ph.D. and Christine Ferri, Ph.D., recently reported on their project "Gender and Depression in Older Adults."  Their project has resulted in the publication of a manuscript reviewing empirical research on the gender difference in depressive symptoms and depression diagnosis in older adults. Their proposals to present this research were also accepted by two conferences, the Eastern Psychological Association and the Association for Women in Psychology. Below are the full references for these scholarly activities. 

Girgus, J. S., Yang, K., & Ferri, C. (2017). The gender difference in depression: Are elderly women at greater risk for depression than elderly men? Geriatrics, 2, 35. doi:10.3390/geriatrics2040035 

Yang, K., Ferri, C. V., & Girgus, J. S. (accepted for March, 2018). The gender difference in depression: Are elderly women at greater risk for depression than elderly men? Paper accepted for the Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 

Yang, K., Ferri, C. V., & Girgus, J. S. (accepted for March, 2018). The gender difference in depression in older adults: A review. Presentation accepted for the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. 

Their collaborator, Joan Girgus, has received an invitation to speak at a National Academy of Sciences workshop on “Women’s Mental Health across the Life Course through a Sex-Gender Lens.” She plans to present highlights of findings discussed in the Geriatrics article at this March workshop. 

The team is developing a list of variables to request from Rachel Pruchno's ORANJ BOWL longitudinal study dataset at the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging. Data analysis will begin pending IRB approval and receipt of the dataset. SCOSA will sponsor a presentation by Dr. Pruchno at the Stockton Psychology Program's Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Conference on April 20, 2018. The team hopes to meet with Dr. Pruchno at the conference. 
4. SCOSA Director Dave Burdick, Ph.D. will speak in two symposia at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, held in Atlanta, GA on March 1-3, 2018.  Burdick organized both sessions with collaborator Robert Maiden. As chair or co-chair of AGHE's Advancement Committee, Burdick has received three grants since 2013, totaling $95,000, to support various AGHE committee initiatives.  The sessions will report on the outcomes and impacts of the grants. 

Burdick, D. Maiden, R., Elfenbein, P., Gugliucci, M., Pittman-Brown, P., Perkinson, P., Reynolds, L, & Teasdale, T. (2018, March 3). Founders Fund Initiative: Process, outcomes, and impact of four years of innovative program support.  Symposium at Annual Meeting & Educational Leadership Conference, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Atlanta, GA.  

Maiden, R., Burdick, D., Elmore, E, & Kopera-Frye, K. (2018, March 1).  AGHE Retirement Research Grants (RRF): The Benefits and the Costs. Symposium at Annual Meeting & Educational Leadership Conference, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Atlanta, GA.

Celebrating a Friend of SCOSA


Garment Workers Panel Discussion
Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Room F-111, across from the Bjork Library in Stockton’s Main Campus Building 

Three years ago, a group of Stockton University students, enrolled in a graduate level social work class about “Aging,” embarked on a project to learn about local history from retirees who formerly were garment workers. The project, led by social work professor Lisa Cox as a SCOSA Research Fellow, gave students a set of probing questions to elicit stories from individuals who were proud to be connected to the south Jersey garment industry of yesteryear. 

The garment industry was an important part of the South Jersey economy throughout much of the twentieth century, especially in the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey. Collected in a book entitled Garment Workers of South Jersey: Nine Oral Histories are informative interviews with nine former garment workers or their family members. Their stories describe a way of life that balanced hard work in the factories with the demands of a caring home life. 

Please join us at Stockton University for a panel discussion to learn more about this project. All audience members will receive a copy of the book, and K-12 teachers will receive coordinating lesson plans and professional development credit. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Parking is free and does not require a permit after 3:30 pm. The event will be hosted by American Studies at Stockton University and Stockton University School of Arts & Humanities

Listening, Learning, Lunching: An Intergenerational Inter-Professional Event  
Saturday, April 7, 2018, 12-2 pm Campus Center Event Room - Older Adults Needed 

Again this year, SCOSA will co-sponsor an event led by the School of Health Sciences at which students from various majors and minors in health and the social and behavioral sciences join with elders to learn about older adulthood.  This year the theme is “End of Life: Exploring your Choices, Bucket Lists and What Matters Most.” Students in will collaborate in order to determine the most holistic way to explore the aging process.  Older adults from the community are invited to Stockton to share their insight via interviews.  Students will then have an opportunity to process their experiences, share their ideas with each other, and determine ways that they can work together to support older adults and facilitate successful aging.  Please click on title above for more information and click here to register. Space is limited, Registration required.  

SCOSA Sponsors Lecture/Discussion on Climate Change and Aging Celebrating 49th Annual Earth Day
Friday, April 20, 2018, 2:10 – 4:00pm Campus Center Theatre

SCOSA has planned and will present a lecture and discussion titled "Graying Green: Climate Action for an Aging World" in celebration of the 48th Annual Earth Day. Our lecture/discussion, held in the Campus Center Theatre and free and open to the public, will be presented by Michael (Mick) Smyer, Ph.D., professor of psychology and former provost at Bucknell University and Rachel Pruchno, Ph.D.  director of research at the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging, and Professor of Medicine, Rowan University. 

Smyer, an expert on mental health and old age, has shifted his attention after retiring as provost at Bucknell to the study of the relationship between climate change and aging. He is particularly interested in empowering older adults, especially aging baby-boomers who championed the initial environmental movement in their youth, to become champions of the environment as sustainability advocates.  

Pruchno, who conceptualized and has run a major longitudinal study of over 5000 older New Jersey residents called ORANJ-Bowl, has recently studied the impact of Hurricane Sandy on successful aging. Her work, and that of other researchers, has shown that the very old are often disproportionately among the victims of wild weather swings and climate change. Who can forget the images of nursing home residents in Florida this spring, up their wastes in water and waiting to be rescued? 

This session is a part of the Stockton Psychology Program's Annual Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Conference, taking place in the Campus Center Trustee Room earlier in the day. It is co-sponsored by Stockton's School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and programs in Psychology, Sustainability and Gerontology. 

Parking on Friday afternoons is plentiful in the lots in front of the campus center. For questions, contact  


Learn to Navigate Stockton's Events Listing 

Stockton University sponsors or hosts an impressive array of cultural, arts, and educational programs at the main campus and other sites such as Kramer Hall, the Carnegie Library Center, Manahawkin Instructional Site, and elsewhere. Many are free and open to the public. The "Calendars" tool on the top right corner of the Stockton homepage is a useful tool if you know how to use it. Here are some tips on how best to see what's happening and plan your visits. 

Stockton uses a service called 25Live to organize our Events Calendar. You can view a brief video on navigating the calendar by clicking here. This tutorial reviews how to search and filter in the calendar to find what you are looking for. SCOSA events at Stockton facilities can be found by searching "SCOSA" in the search box. The calendar clearly identifies the event, date, and location of the event. Click the event name to see details. (* To see our events at other venues, you still need visit our event listing on our Older Adult Education page, homepage, or monthly E-Newsletters

Amergael's "Celebrate Irish Arts 2018"

Saturday, March 3rd, 11-3pm, a day dedicated to authentic expression of Irish music, song, step dance, storytelling and the visual arts, takes place at the Ocean Acres Community Center on Nautilus Drive in Manahawkin.  This year’s theme is “The Irish Woman.”  Admission is free, with free refreshments. Traditional baked goods for sale.  Amergael is an organization dedicated to providing funds to local food banks and scholarships to deserving high school students.  

Tax Preparation Assistance at Stockton 

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is a collaboration with the Campaign for Working Families. Stockton Students, Staff, Faculty and Community Members are welcomed to become trained as a VITA Tax Preparer, and/or to file their 2017 Income Taxes during the scheduled dates.  For more information, call the Office of Service-Learning at 609-652-4256. 

AtlantiCare's new PACE Program – a Game Changer!

Redefining Long-Term Care: Supporting Older Adults in the Community 

AtlantiCare has opened a new Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly in Atlantic City. AtlantiCare LIFE Connection is the sixth PACE program to open in New Jersey and it will serve residents of Atlantic and Cape May counties with long-term care needs, and who wish to remain in the community with supportive services. PACE is a Medicare and Medicaid program designed for individuals who are 55 years or older, meet nursing facility level of care, and can live safely in the community with PACE services. The philosophy of the program is that it is better for older adults and their caregivers to receive care in the most appropriate setting.   

The foundation of the PACE program is centered on the PACE Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) and the PACE Day Center. The IDT is a team of clinicians who specialize in geriatric care and members include primary care providers, nurses, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, recreational therapists, and dietitians, among other support staff. All care is coordinated by the IDT whose members meet every day to discuss the medical, functional, and psychosocial status of participants and design individualized care plans.   

The LIFE Connection Center is a state-of-the-art, 7,000 square feet facility that includes a day room, quiet lounge, dining room, and a full size medical clinic. At the center, participants benefit from additional support. Breakfast and lunch are provided as well as an array of recreational activities such as arts and crafts, exercise, games, music, and field trips, among many others. Participation in center programing is designed to increase social functioning and reduce isolation.   

LIFE Connection services extend beyond the brick and mortar of the facility. Participants who qualify receive support with activities of daily living through home health care, meals on wheels, and the availability of a primary care provider 24/7 via an on-call facilitator. A network of specialty providers is also offered and LIFE Connection provides transportation to and from medical appointments. Medications and durable medical equipment are also covered benefits under the program and, like all services, must be coordinated and approved by the IDT. There are no deductibles, out of pocket costs, or benefit limitations for qualified individuals under Medicare and Medicaid, or Medicaid only.    

For more information about PACE in New Jersey, please visit 

For more information about AtlantiCare LIFE Connection call 609-527-8588, visit, call the AtlantiCare Access Center at 1-888-569-1000 or find AtlantiCare on Facebook. 

Atlantic County Hoarding Task Force Seeks Clients 

The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County was recently awarded a grant of $50,000 from the Community Association of South Jersey Aging Innovation Fund. The grant will be used to expand existing in-home case management services to county residents 50 and over who have hoarding issues. To refer a client or to learn about obtaining services please e-mail or call 609-916-1330 or contact the Atlantic County Hoarding Taskforce (Jaime Angelini  

Pinelands Short Course – (Registration Closes March 2nd) 

This year's 29th annual Pinelands Short Course on Saturday, March 10th, 2018 consists of various educational presentations that explore the unique history, ecology, and culture of the Pinelands. This year's Short Course will feature 41 presentations, and an opportunity to participate in a field trip or two, with transportation provided. The program costs $50. If you apply online and use the Coupon Code MARCH2018, you will receive a $5.00 senior discount. To register over the phone, or to receive a paper registration form, call 609-652-4227 or email

Community Memory Cafes in Atlantic and Cape May Counties 

The Alzheimer's Association Delaware Valley Chapter in conjunction with Right at Home Atlantic & Cape May Counties and Jewish Family Services is pleased to sponsor a Memory Cafe in both Atlantic and Cape May Counties. The Memory Cafe is a free program that offers people living with dementia and their care partner the chance to have fun and develop new friendships in a safe and relaxed environment. In Atlantic County, the Memory Cafe is held on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm at the Atlantic County Library, 6500 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor, NJ.  The Cape May County Memory Cafe is held on the last Tuesday of every month from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm at the Cape May County Library, 2600 Bayshore Road, Villas, NJ. For more information, contact Carolyn Peterson at (609) 788-8236. 


The 10th Annual Masterpiece Living Lyceum – Making Chronological Age Irrelevant 

SCOSA’s assistant Gina Maguire has been invited to present on SoulCollage® at the event!  It will take place April 3-5, 2018 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. This year, participants of past International Conferences on Positive Aging have been invited, as well as co-sponsoring organizations including Sage-ing International, Certified Senior Advisors, and the Life Planning Network.  

Keynote Speakers include Ken and Mary Gergen, editors of the Positive Aging Newsletter; Ashton Applewhite, author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism; and Marc Middleton, Founder and CEO of Growing Bolder. 

Positive Aging Sessions are expected on life-review, holistic health, spirituality and aging, conscious caregiving, leaving a legacy, intergenerational relationships, overcoming ageism, and many other topics. The preliminary agenda can be viewed here

Some of the older adult programs offered by SCOSA are partially funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through a grant by the Division of Intergenerational Services, Atlantic County, New Jersey. You may make voluntary donations to SCOSA. Such donations are not a fee and are not required. Any donations received will be used to develop and operate future programs. If you wish to donate directly to SCOSA please make your checks payable to SCOSA and send them to:
SCOSA/SOBL, Stockton University, 101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway, NJ 08205-9441. 


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