Engage at Every Age: SCOSA Festival Invites Sponsors, Exhibitors, Collaborators

Save the Date – May 17, 2018 SCOSA’s Annual Festival celebration of Older Americans Month. The national theme, “Engage at Every Age”, emphasizes that you are never too old (or too young) to take part in activities that can enrich physical, mental, and emotional well-being and also celebrates the many ways older adults make a difference in our communities. As usual, our Festival will capture the national theme as it relates to South Jersey with a variety of informative and enjoyable activities. Engaging older adults, professionals, providers and others will make this an important and memorable event! Periodically check our Festival Page as the program is built in the coming weeks.
Calling All Exhibitors and Sponsors: Click here to view our prospectus for Sponsors, Exhibitors, Advertisers, and Donors. Please email or with any questions or suggestions.
Stockton Undergrad Researcher Seeks Participants in TimeSlipsTM Study, Beginning on Saturday, March 3rd. Last chance to register.
Do you sometimes forget where you put your reading glasses, keys or wallet? Is remembering to pay bills on time more difficult than it used to be? Do you occasionally get to the grocery or hardware store and forget an item or two that you intended to buy, but didn’t write down?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be eligible to participate in a research study by Stockton Student Madison Chant. TimeSlipsTM is an award-winning story-telling program that promotes creative expression among older adults. Madison has been trained in TimeSlips and seeks participants age 65 and over for her senior project for distinction. Before the study, enrolled participants will complete a few brief questionnaires. Then for five weekly sessions of one hour each from 10:30-11:30am on Saturdays in March, the group will participate in the enjoyable TimeSlips Storytelling program. Refreshments will be served. Additional brief questionnaires will be completed at the end of the fifth week.
A small monetary reward of $25 will be provided as a token of appreciation for those who complete the entire program. The program will occur on Stockton University's main Galloway Township Campus.
If interested in learning more or participating, please Click here to provide your name and contact information as directed, noting your interest in the TimeSlips Study. If you have questions, please contact SCOSA Director Dave Burdick at or call 609-653-4311.
SCOSA Seeks New Presenters for Older Adult Education Programs
SCOSA has been please to present scores of wonderful and informative presenters and presentations since our inception 11 years ago. Our presenters work in senior living fields, are professors and researchers, or have skills they are willing to share from other areas. Regardless of background, all provide quality presentations for everyone who attends our Older Adult Education programs. In order to expand our offerings for the second half of the year (June – December) we encourage individuals who have expertise and passion on topics that can "nurture body, mind, and spirit to email to discuss your ideas.
SCOSA Invites Submissions for New E-News Column:
Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond
SCOSA recently launched Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond, designed to assist community organizations and agencies that serve older adults in our region to better publicize their programs about aging.