
Carpentry Clippings, 27 February, 2018 

Highlights from the Software and Data Carpentry Community Calendar

Community News

Mentoring Wrap-Up
Kari Jordan has done a fantastic wrap up of the recent round of mentoring groups. Groups got together to showcase their achievements on 6 February, and to plan ongoing activities.  If you missed out on the last round, there is still time to get involved. Read more.

Submit a Proposal for CarpentryCon
Since CarpentryCon 2018  will be the key networking and community event of our year, we want to provide lots of opportunities for people to participate. Abstract submissions are now open. You are welcome to submit a proposal for a poster or a lightning talk (or both). Use this form to submit your abstract - you can submit as many as you like. We will begin to review abstracts on 5 March.

Library Carpentry Update
Eight people from Australia, the UK, the US, Canada, and South Africa met virtually last week to discuss taking the Library Carpentry project forward. We discussed the creation of a new website, talked about what constitutes a Library Carpentry workshop, discussed who can teach the material, and started thinking about what kind of governance structure we need to lead the work from now on. We are developing an onboarding process for Instructors who would like to teach this material. Read more.

Maintainers for Carpentry Lessons in Spanish
We will soon be releasing the first set of Carpentry lessons in Spanish and are looking for Maintainers to keep these lessons up to date. New Maintainers will need to attend three one-hour onboarding sessions - these will be led in Spanish by current Maintainers. Sessions will follow our new Maintainer Onboarding curriculum. Lessons available at this point are Software Carpentry Git, Shell and R Gapminder. Please contact Erin Becker ( by 2 March if you are interested in joining the onboarding process.

Subcommittee Activity

Please Complete the Mentoring Survey
The Mentoring Subcommittee is gathering data to try to better understand the needs of our community members, and to improve the structure and format of discussion sessions to meet these needs. Have you filled in the survey yet? It should only take you a couple of minutes. Please respond even if you have never been to a discussion session before. The more feedback the committee gets, the more they can tailor these sessions to meet community needs.

CarpentryCon Taskforce
We are excited to announce that the Software Sustainability Institute has come on board as a Travel Sponsor. They have promised us $5,000 to subsidise people’s travel to attend CarpentryCon 2018. You can apply for travel support here or submit an abstract for a poster or lightning talk using this form. Hotel and on-campus accommodation information will be available this week.

Tweet of the Week

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Channels for Champions
At the 14 February Carpentry Champions call, we talked about the development of a new resource called the Carpentries Cookbook, which has community building ‘recipes’ you can adapt for your own, local ‘ingredients’. A discussion about that, plus what makes people stick to communities can be found on the etherpad. We have now created a Slack channel for Champions to network with one another. If you aren’t already a member of our Slack, sign up here, then join the #champions channel. You can also sign up to Carpentry Champions Announce, which will alert you to upcoming meetings.

Lots of event activity this month on Discuss about upcoming events. Inigo Aldazabal Mensa posted about potentially meeting up with fellow Carpenters at HighPer2018. The event will take place in Spain on 23-24 April, 2018. Fotis Psomopoulos posted about the book sprint that created the first draft of an Open Science Training Handbook. Raniere Silva posted about the Collaborations Workshop 2018 in the UK (26-28 March, and tickets are available now). This workshop brings together researchers, developers, managers, funders, publishers and trainers to explore best practices and the future of research software.


Papers & manuscripts from the community

Community job postings
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