
Underwater Photo Gear

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Just before Christmas, we implemented product reviews on our website. This means that you can rate our products and write a review if you'd like, to let other people know what you thought of your purchase! So, if you loved your purchase or you hated it (you didn't hate it though, surely!) jump onto our site and let our customers know anything you think is handy about that thing you bought.
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Did you know that Sea Tech is on Facebook? We use it to share interesting, fun, ocean, diving and photography specific stories with our followers. We also sometimes use it to share special offers and chat with our customers about the things that interest them. You can connect with us there and ask us any questions you've got or review us! Please jump on over there and hit 'like' if you haven't already - and if you've got the time, we'd love it if you could give a quick review!
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New things!

Housings for the Sony A7RIII mirrorless interchangeable lens camera.

So we reckon this camera's gonna be a bit of a big deal. Gizmodo's calling it "The New King Of Mirrorless Cameras" which is either what you'd expect for a camera that boasts 42 megapixels or a piece of hyperbole depending on your point of view. What we do know is that Nauticam and Ikelite are both behind this camera for underwater photography, because they wasted no time getting the housings to market. Well it's no surprise when you look at how the A7RIII deals with light and dark differentials (HDR). Perfect for UW photography. Oh, also, did we mention the speed? It can shoot 10, full-sized, 14-bit, RAW images per second, refocusing between shots.

If you've been playing around with the idea of getting a new high-end camera, they don't come much higher-end than this one. Give us a shout via email (or phone) and we can give you a tailored package deal on camera, lenses, ports and all that jazz. Or click on the images below to read about the Nauticam housing (left) or the Ikelite one (right).
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