Dear Datacomp Customer,

We are implementing a small fee increase for appraisals and inspections ordered on or after March 1, 2018. If you have any deals in progress where you have collected the previous amount, we will accept the old fee through the end of March.

Click here to view new fees

Thank you for your continued business. We look forward to serving your manufactured home appraisal, inspection, and information needs. If you have any questions about our products or pricing please contact me.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson | Vice President, Personal Property 

Datacomp | MHVillage | JLT Market Reports

2600 5 Mile Rd NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Add us to your address book

direct: 877.406.0229
office: 800.365.1415ext. 229
fax: 800.841.8062
