Discipleship in Action
Happy Sabbath Church Family                                                            Feb 23, 2018
We hope you have been blessed and are drawing nearer to the Savior than ever before. We know the Devils time is almost over and that soon a time of trouble such as the world has never seen will appear unexpectedly. It will be unexpectedly because we have not allowed Gods Spirit to help make us ready and we have conformed to the world around us. Oh how long must God plead with His people. Oh how long will HE plead with me…
We have good news today. After months of traveling, praying and seeking out villages willing to accept us to witness and share the word of God with them, we have finally received an open door in not one, but three, villages. All are very far and will tax our energies greatly but we are only in praise this week. It was getting very frustrating to have village after village slam their opportunities in the face of Christ our King and as we watched our finances dropping, knowing we are His stewards, it became even more of a burden as Satan injected his negative thoughts into each of our minds that maybe it was time to throw in the towel. “Oh ye of little faith” was the thought given to me as I repented for my unbelief.
Two of these villages we had been to before over 4 years ago but it appears we had been misled by past bible workers that the doors there had closed for us because of war and strong rebel presence. Now the villages are asking us WHY we never returned. All we could do is repent and say sorry. This was at a time when we had been visiting the States and put too much trust in man. A big mistake on my part… We again just praise God for reminding us by His Spirit to return there one last time.
The team here at the mission post is very excited and yet very nervous. Most of the men will be gone into the villages leaving the woman and children here alone with only two male bible students and an grandpa of one of our laymen to care for the crops and maintenance on fences etc. Only one of them is a motorcycle driver to help in fetching needs from the city such as medicines and staples that we can’t grow.
Things here at the mission are quickly changing as more and more tourists are visiting the area now that the new highway is completed. Many are asking to buy our land and some of the offers have been very tempting as we lose our privacy and quietness to teach and study here. We are praying earnestly what to do and ask you to join us in this request
As some of you may already know, Michelle and I and our children are heading back to the U.S. soon for several months to take care of visa requirements and other matters. We have not scheduled any speaking engagements as of yet because we have personal matters that need to be addressed first, but we are being open to the Spirits leading in these matters. We are in need as always for prayer partners to join us in this mission because without people like you we could not enjoy the privilege of seeing how God works in real as opposed to only reading it in a book and being a part of hastening the Lords coming. Our number in the States will remain the same should any of you wish to contact us after March 15.   208-874-2463
Working on the front line with people groups who don’t know God or the fundamentals of faith is exciting although a challenge especially in a war zone, but in truth working 24-7, day and night, never shutting off the clock has been more rewarding than any 8-10 hour job no matter how easy or the pay. There is a reward that can’t be bought with money and oh how we wish that each one of you could come here and taste a glimpse of it with us. It has been life changing and difficult to imagine letting go of the plough now.
Some other news:
For over a year I have been cycling to maintain my health and The Lord has opened doors for me to ride with a group of professionals each Sunday who speak English. Some are police, some are government workers, some are IT techs etc. It has opened the door for many bible studies over the year and even has allowed me to have simple dental work done for free but this past week I was introduced to a Major in the police force to answer bible questions which led to a wonderful bible study on the Sabbath and the mark of the beast. I have committed to further study and will be giving two special books this next week. Please pray for me in this personal ministry. God is good

Recently the North Eastern Conference has invited us to reach out to another tribal group that as of now have been unreached. They are black in color and very primitive. Coastal workers have had no success and its their hope that because we train tribal, we might have a better chance of reaching them with the gospel. It will take more finances to train and house more bible students than we have at present so this is another matter that needs to be taken in prayer.
Here in many places children walk an hour or two or more one way to the nearest government school to receive an education. My wife Michelle was talking to and asking one of the local elementary children who walks to one of these schools each day why her classmates are not always with her. My wife telling the girl that it is no longer safe to walk alone in the places now that many vehicles are passing here. The girl Kim told Michelle that these children live off the road in the forest.  She told Michelle that they often don’t have food several times in a week for strength to walk that far. We are looking into the situation to see what the Lord would have us do and are reminded of the following:

When we pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” we ask for others as well as ourselves. And we acknowledge that what God gives us is not for ourselves alone. God gives to us in trust, that we may feed the hungry. Of His goodness He has prepared for the poor. Psalm 68:10. And He says, “When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbors.... But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:12-14. { MB 111.1}
Lastly today we need prayers about our school at the mission post and Gods plan for it. It appears we may be forced to open it up to local children outside the faith in the area which would put big requirements on us that we are not sure we can meet or be willing to meet unless the Lord intervenes. We will be needing an higher education teacher (high school teacher for sure) and we could be ask to include fictional reading of magic etc that we will NOT do. We know the Lord can find ways to do things in a way that pleases HIM IF we lay it down in prayer, trusting and believing that HE can. Thank you for your prayers.
 So that’s about all we have time for today wishing you all a blessed week and encouraging each one of you to remain faithful until the end. We are nearing home. GoBeDO!
Love Mike & Michelle and team


Please pray for my bible students

Hope to see you soon

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