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March is National Reading Month. I have always loved to read, and continue to be grateful to my parents and teachers who taught me to read, encouraged me to read, and made sure I had plenty of material to read. As an adult, however, I find I sometimes go months without reading much beyond the Sunday newspaper and a magazine while waiting in the doctor's office. I want to change this, to make sure I regularly read for pleasure. My goal this month is to begin taking time every day to just read. (This has the added benefit of giving me time to rest as well.) My hope is that after a month of doing this it will be a habit that will last for the rest of my life. I'll be posting images and quotes about reading this month on Instagram and Twitter

What is your current reading routine? Hit reply or connect with me on Twitter or Instagram and let me know and see the images and quotes I'm posting about reading. 

Until next time,


Published on the Blog

Recent stories posted on the blog, in case you missed them.

Sweetheart Valentines

Full Moon Magic

I also record an audio version of most blog posts for those who prefer to listen. You can find them here.

For Reading

Amazing images of European church facades created by putting together thousands of digital photographs. Read the article to get the details on how photographer Markus Brunetti creates these works. I am thrilled that one of the images is of Beverley Minster in England, the subject of my Master's degree thesis. (Scroll down to see it!)

I've spent most of my adult life working in an office, and paper jams in copiers and printers was a daily occurrence. But why? Can't technology solve this issue? Turns out the problem is more complex than it seems.

Do you reread books? There are several I want to read again, some for the pleasure of enjoying a book again, and some to read from my perspective years later. It is hard for me to make time for it since there is so much out there I haven't read for the first time. This article takes a look at rereading and considers what children can teach us about how to read.


For Writers

Need inspiration for your writing? See if one of  the 33 podcasts on this list might help. I was already listening to several of them, and have added a couple more after learning about them from this list. Is there a writing podcast you listen to that didn't get mentioned? Hit reply and let me know!

 “The most important information you can share is whispered one-on-one.” That quote is taken from this article. How are your marketing your writing? In a world of noise on social media, how could you whisper?

Great advice on How To Write A Cover Letter, something we writers have to grapple with often.

Submissions Spreadsheet - Trying to find a good system to track your submissions? Thanks to an article I read, I created a spreadsheet and it is available for you to download. No sign-up needed! Just click the link inside the article and the download will begin. I hope you find it helpful!


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Copyright © 2018 Gladys Strickland, All rights reserved.