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Welcome to CX Island Newsletter
Hey <<First Name>>, 

Welcome to our 17th newsletter! This week after reading about Apple's new glass doors that employees can't stop walking into, we got to thinking about how design meets (or, in this case, is being crashed into) reality. How can the two be more successfully merged? One very effective way is Co-creation, and that's the topic we're digging into this week. Enjoy!

Anna & Inna @ CXtlv
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Designing With the User, For the User

Co-Creation: Designing With the User, For the User
Co-creation is a practice of collaborative creativity, that enables businesses to create value with, rather than simply for their customers.  This approach is radically different than the popular "We don't ask users what they want, we look at data" approach. Users are greatly involved in the design process, not as dictators but as collaborators.  Sounds intriguing? This article is a great introduction to the concept of Co-creation.

5 Brands That Stand Out By Co-Creating

Seth Godin Quote about taking initiative
Co-creation: 5 examples of brands driving customer-driven innovation
What does a power tools manufacturer, a toy company, a delivery service, a football club and a furniture retailer have in common? They give idea-sharing platforms to their customers or directly include them in Co-creation workshops, making them a part in the creation of new products and services. The strong customer communities that are formed are a pleasant by-product.

Make CX Magic with Co-Creation Sessions

How to Make Customer Experience Magic with Co-Creation Sessions (part 1)
You know we can't dig into a subject without providing a practical try-it-at-home (or work) guide. This two-part series is full of practical tips to plan and execute a Co-creation session. The goal of the session suggested here is to create a customer experience map (which we love), but the same tips are relevant for other goals like improving an existing product or ideating a new service. And here is part 2.

City of Cape Town Co-Design Workshops

We couldn't leave you without a real life Co-creation session, so here are the highlights from a Co-creation workshop held by World Design Capital in the city of Cape Town. Co-designing a concept for a vacant piece of public land with the Cape Town community.
A Co-creation workshop in the city of Cape Town by the World Design Capital 
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