

A monthly briefing with inspiring stories on the environment, sports and personal growth.
Welcome back to the second edition of this monthly newsletter. First of all, I want to thank a lot of you for the kind and encouraging words you sent me for continuing the newsletter in a new format. I appreciated it a lot! Secondly, I spent last weekend in Malaga walking next to palm trees (should have brought a bike with the mountains nearby!). This time of the year it was a pleasant escape from the cold here. While walking, I thought we often say no risk no gain, and reading Nassim Taleb's new book Skin in the Game (I drove my girlfriend nuts talking about it) made me think about risk. In investing, we often say that hedge fund and private equity managers have skin in the game, they stand to lose and win together with their investors (unless their management fees make them sit on warm beaches ;). There is symmetry. If we feel some pain, we make more conscious decisions, right? But for externalities like air pollution, we can risk wasting it because we can outsource the pain to next generations but we get the gains now. As a consequence, we need to fix the assymmetry  and have a precautionary approach. Enjoy, see you next month!

ps say hello if you are at the Impact Summit next week in the Hague!
What I've been reading:

It seems like the beaten path, but can white roofs help cool world’s warming cities? As an ex-bikeshop owner, reading that the internet is transforming bikeshops into community spaces, doesnt come as a surprise. That was the idea behind our shop. Tell your boss you need to go outdoors more often. It makes you happy. It sold out within hours: Lacoste swapping famous crocodile logo for ten endangered species. This made me smile: "If You’re So Successful, Why Are You Still Working 70 Hours a Week?". I am sucker for niche books like this kickstarter: Rough Stuff Cycling in the Alps guide book. I am a sucker for Patagonia too. I didn't check the calculations but is a Tesla battery + solar now “significantly cheaper” than grid power? Can blockchain save us and Modern Day Slavery? Sustainable Investment, if you need the evidence. Gates annual letter is always interesting. LA sucks for cycling, the photos make me want to go. Every sustainability risk has a solution, or at least 300 sustainable solutions. The internet changes the lives of the poorest people. Studies show that people are more likely to accept others’ unethical behavior when ethical degradation occurs slowly. The most sustainable jeans yet? Recovery is the latest buzzword. Small beats large.
Recommended listening/looking:
Where to go?

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See you next time!
Opinions in this newsletter are solely those of Tim van der Weide and do not necessarily represent views of those quoted or cited, ERM or its partners or clients.
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