

Hi Spaceship family and friends, we hope this finds you well.  

It’s been a busy time for us — and a very exciting one!

Our most ambitious project yet is underway: The Many: A Conversation Across Divides, launched in Alabama on Feb. 26. The Many will eventually include up to 5,000 women across the country in a conversation across political faultlines; it will run through the November mid-term elections. The initial group has about 100 women who range in age from 23-82; they are already talking about culture, faith, family, guns, politics and much more. What do you want to know about them? Hit us up with thoughts or ideas. We are excited to see this develop and as the mid-terms approach and the rancor grows louder, we hope the conversation will demonstrate it is possible to achieve a civil and meaningful dialogue across deep differences.
Poynter gave Eve and Jeremy a chance to talk about The Many

A new face at Spaceship

We are thrilled to welcome Alyxaundria (Lyxie) Sanford to Spaceship Media as moderator and reporter. Lyxie is a multimedia journalist who is passionate about using journalism as a tool to listen and produce tangible impact. She comes to us after completing the Social Journalism M.A. program at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. We are so excited she's onboard!


The conference rounds

In February, Eve and Jeremy went to Miami to spread the word about dialogue journalism at The Knight Media Forum. While there, they spent some time with Dawn Garcia, Director of JSK Fellowship at Stanford and Jennifer Preston, VP of Journalism at The Knight Foundation.


Spaceship in the news

"We’re living in a time of overwhelming connection thanks to the interwebs, but chances are, we’re not nearly as connected to those those who don’t hold similar beliefs.” MediaShift explains why we do what we do!

In a Quartz profile, our Talking Politics project and our latest effort, The Many, are discussed as a way to prevent the quashing of democracy such as occurred in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez.

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