I chose David's favorite worship song as our theme, as we are so full of joy with so many answers to prayer over the last few months, and with Easter approaching just a month away, our faith in a resurrected and living Lord is only multiplied.  If a picture can say 1000 words I'll attempt to share some of these reasons.  Since your support and prayers are part of it all, I hope that you will also share in the joy of these answered prayers and God's fingerprints!
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The Korca Church continues to grow, even with some members moving on to plant new churches, new people are attending, last week there were over 10 new people in church.
Nori is back! He was with us in church on Sunday, we were praising God with tears in our eyes! 3 years and 8 months of an 11 year sentence, thank you Lord for bringing him home!
Entela, on right, was suicidal after a broken relationship, and wrote to the new Tirana church plant FB page, she says that God reached out to her and saved her life!  She plans to become a member. Please pray for her.
Delvina just turned 18 on Saturday!  This is a big change. She will move into the independent apartment and need to start earning money.  She is studying at the Foreign Language school.  Please Pray for her future.
Dear Sabiere went to be with the Lord last month.  It was at Villa Kenedi that she came to know the Lord and her sadness and depression departed and was replaced with joy.  As she was buried near her son's grave, we learned from one of the villagers that her son had become a believer before he left for Greece.  So at the funeral it was announced, that although her body lay next to her son's, they are now reunited in heaven, and we know there is rejoicing today!  The sting of death was gone! Replaced with the joy of eternity!
This is an amazing story: the girl on my right grew up in Arnold, CA! My father was her orthodontist, our families knew each other and went to the same church.  She was invited by her supporting church to attend a Church Planting Symposium in Korca, Albania.  That is where we met up again!  What a small world, what a great God!  Leigh Anne now works in Jerusalem with her husband and has three children (attending Black Forest Academy!) Awesome! That's all I can say! We became fast heart-friends and pray for each other and our kids.
We were so happy to have our whole family home for Christmas!  It made it an extra special celebration! Which also included a visit from my niece Monica (below) who was in Europe!  Please keep our children in your prayers: Ashlie, Isaac and David
Kristi was released in December, before his 22nd birthday! His mother was able to join him for a grand celebration!  He chose to stay in Turkey and do community service, which allows him to stay for 2 years.  He is involved in a church in the capital, and works in a library.
Laura and Kamela's little sister just turned 6, so she is now able to move to the Safe House!  She moved in yesterday!  Her name is Ermela, please pray for her adjustment
Joni celebrated her 33rd birthday in January, five of the residents at the Handicapped home come regularly to church and continue to have lessons with Elena.  They always look forward to summer when Christian brothers and sisters come to visit them, these things literally gives their lives a meaning and purpose.  
It is a joy each Saturday morning to have worship time at the Vila Kenedi, and see these residents singing from their hearts, praying in their own special ways, and reading the Bible which had been forbidden and mocked during their upbringing. PTL for this miracle, He doesn't leave anyone behind!
The new Boy's Home! Watch this space! The building has been purchased, the renovations will begin this summer.  A long term dream and vision, becoming a reality; this will be an outreach of  the church plants, in Maliq and Libonik.
Some of you may have listened to Unshakled many years ago.  This is an Albanian version, above is Ferdinand, who has been an alcoholic and been violent with restraining orders.  His wife, Doloreza, works at Vila Kenedi and his daughter and son are part of the church and have prayed for years for him to be free from alcohol.  Since Christmas Ferdinand has been in church and Bible Study, and has been sober and happy!  Thank you to all who prayed, God has answered!
With much love and gratefulness, and for the Name of our Risen Lord,

Ian, Caralee, Ashlie, Isaac
and David
This is the church planters prayer meeting, Mondays 9:30 AM, pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers, oh, He has!  Please pray for these young leaders, for vision, for Timothy's to work with, for their needs to be met personally and for their growing churches..... thank God for the precious people in this room!
We would like to focus on a certain work or worker(s) in each of our upcoming prayerletters so you can get to know them better, and we can let their specific needs be known.... this time it is Toni and Englantina Lika!
Toni, from a muslim village of Korca, and Egla, also from another village of Korca, met doing village evangelism. They have been married now 7 years.  Both are qualified nurses. They are part of the Korca church and been in village ministry all these years.  When the need and opportunity arose to move to Pojan to help this village work become a church plant, they were ready, even though it meant great sacrifice and adjustment with their growing family, as they were very settled in Korca with grandparents nearby, etc.  They have connected in a very deep way with the Pojan people, opened a free medical clinic in the church building and do home visits, and have youth in their home every day.  Toni is able to hold his own in religious discussions and debates in this large Muslim village (8000 residents), and they have brought many to Christ, to the church and are discipling them.  See below some of the young ladies Egla is working with and one of the youth meetings last week.
Their car has been an essential part of their ministry and their connection to Korca, as Ester is now in preschool in Korca and they have various meetings and supplies needed. Toni runs a regular Bible reading and prayer meeting in Korca on T & Th, Egla leads a MOPS group.  It has not only been costly but also difficult to work out transport on public buses.  Their car is being repaired for around $1500.  This money they will need to borrow from the bank, as they do not have that much in reserve.  If the Lord leads you to help them with this expense or to support their work in the village of Pojan, you can do so on the link below, and write in the memo your designation. They are an awesome committed couple, sweet family and a worthy investment for God's Kingdom!
Click here: To give online to the work of Ian and Caralee in Korca
Click here: To give online to any of the ministry partners or projects
In USA send to:
PO Box D, Nazareth PA   18064
Make checks payable to: OAC, Albania
Memo: Ian & Caralee Loring
In UK:
The George Muller Charitable Trust
Muller House 7 Cottham Park
Bristol  BS6 6DA
Make cheques payable to: SKI
Memo: Please use this gift to support the ministry of I & C Loring in Albania (or General  Fund for a Project)
(Gift Aid available on request)

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Skype: Ian.Loring2
Mailing address:
Po Box 263
Kastoria Greece TK52100                                                          

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