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Happy March, everyone!

I am writing this missive watching the snow come down outside my window. I guess this is March coming in like a lion - ! I hope this email finds everyone safe, warm and ready for a lovely weekend!

Lots of wonderful new things are happening here at Anna Brooke Healing HQ! I'm settling into life here in the Berkshires and also still in NYC every week - a pretty beautiful contrast despite the somewhat punishing commute... I'm offering classes in both places this month and I hope you can join me!

As a heads up, I will be sending part two of this email in the next week or so. I am involved in some really exciting classes and workshops whose details are still being ironed out, so stay tuned for the official announcement!

Be sure to scroll all the way down to download a free ebook on the chemistry of essential oils and why they work so well. As you know, I am a proud distributor and wellness advocate for doTERRA essential oils and love sharing and educating about them. As an artist and more right-brained person, science and its explanations don't always make sense to me. That's where the magic of this ebook comes in! Everything in layman's terms with clear explanations and diagrams. Click on the link at the foot of this email and get ready to learn!

Wishing everyone a warm and happy weekend and I look forward to sending you part two of this email very soon indeed!

My March best, 
Anna x

Saturday, March 3rd at 12pm
"FREE" Online Healing with Lynda Henn!

This is your chance to experience Lynda's healing gift for absolutely free! The only exchange that Lynda asks for is that you share her work and your healing experience with your friends, family and loved ones. Pay it forward without spending a cent! If you'd like to join, please email me by clicking here and I will send you the login info! You can join by phone as well if you don't have internet handy.
If you are in or close to The Berkshires of Western MA, here are the classes I'll be teaching! All of them take place at the Berkshire South Community Center in Great Barrington and are free of charge with the exception of March 8th. No prior experience is required! Please share with anyone you feel would be interested and I look forward to seeing you there!

FREE ebook on the Science of Essential Oils!

For those interested in the science of essential oils, this new ebook is an invaluable tool to learn about the effectiveness of the oils and why they work.

You can click on this link to either read the ebook online or to download it to read at your leisure. There is a lot of scientific information herein, and if you start to feel a little overwhelmed, flip to the back to see some clear and easy explanations on the chemical breakdowns of the oils.

Click here to read more of doTERRA's ebooks and if you want to learn more about the oils and get a few for your own use, please visit my dedicated site or shoot me an email with any specific questions!
Copyright © 2018 Anna Brooke International LLC, All rights reserved.

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