MARCH 2018 capioIT Newsletter
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Advisors, Digital Devil's Advocates, Finders of Unintended Consequences
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Avoiding the Year Of The Dog, Data Privacy, Ecosystm, Strava, Data Centres, Cloud, Location, Salesforce and more

Hopefully, 2018 won't be the Year of the Dog for enterprise data. 

As Chinese New Year begins, and the year of the dog begins, it is a good time to hope and ponder that we can have less “dogs” in technology investment and more innovation and outcomes that meet client and stakeholder requirements. 

In 2018, the need for technology vendors and buyers to extract outcomes from their investment is front and centre. If an enterprise has an RFP that requests a CRM system, that is what they will get. If they request a platform to enable customer engagement today, not tomorrow, then that is what they will get, if their vendor understands this. This seems like a minor point, but the depth of importance that it holds is critical. 

Technology has produced too many dogs because buyers were 

1 - Just buying technology

2 - Not sure who was going to use the technology 

3 - Not sure what to do with the technology 

Too many sellers were

1 - Just selling technology 

2 - Not sure who was going to use the technology 

3 - Not sure what to do with the technology

Buyers need to ask for the right outcomes from their valued investment. Sellers need to be able to identify and deliver to this outcome or beyond. Improving the success of technology deployment in the enterprise is simple to say, execution should also be simple, but too many factors are getting in the way. 

The Strava data release early this year summed up all that is a concern with our data and how it is used. Enterprises, agencies and consumers all have to make a simple assumption. 

Any information that is collected at an individual and collective level can and likely will be used against them

Not all use is nefarious, tracking and comparing physical activity is a great idea, unless you are on a hidden US base in the Middle East or a French base in Africa.

capioIT has simple guidelines to avoid these issues for consumers and enterprises alike

1 – Assume the data gathered is going to be used against you. If the negative outcome is less than the positive benefits from Amazon to apple watches at least you need to way up the options.

2 – Read the fine print. Opt out when you can. It is not an altruistic world. They are not getting your data for your benefit, it is gathered for their commercial benefit.

3 – Technology is accelerating incredibly rapidly, legislative and regulatory environments are not. Cultural norms do not keep up with technology.

4 – Ask yourself if you like what you are doing today to be splashed across the world’s media tomorrow?

5 – This is only the beginning. It will only get more pervasive with the growth of AI.

A successful workshop delivered to a client at Eden Park in Auckland;
Home of the All Blacks.

What is central to all this? Data. Data has of course always mattered. It just matters at an accelerating rate. Organisations need to identify secure and understand their data. They are not getting the support from their providers. If IT wants to be relevant it needs to drive this engagement of understanding data to enable business users to make decisions. 

A result of this, it is not surprising that the focus in 2018 for capioIT is around outcomes for technology investments. It doesn’t matter what the product is called, where it sits or who coded. What outcomes does it provide enterprise decision making? Understanding this for all is the critical first step towards ensuring more value from technology investments is a given, not a hope. 

This year we are looking at a number of key areas. These include of course outcomes, how to design for stronger technology outcomes, and how to not fall into the selling and buying a product hole. 

We are also looking at the following capture share reports

  • Salesforce integration ecosystem - Asia Pacific and Global 
  • AWS integration ecosystem 
  • Location Intelligence Platforms. 

We are updating our digital maturity index. We used this in 2016 and 2017 to great success and insight in consulting, so it is being refreshed and will be more widely distributed. 

At the same time, we are finishing the analysis of the maturity of cloud providers and their offerings. For example, what are the most successful and widespread offerings of AWS etc. What offerings are limited. What locations are shortchanged in terms of offerings, all this will be revealed. 

Finally, we are very excited to announce our partnership and collaboration with Ecosystm. Based in Singapore, Ecosystm is a welcome disruptor in the technology and digital research space, with the simple but transformative aim to democratise data and intelligence.

Rest assured, capioIT is not going anywhere. We remain, and will always remain an independent voice in the digital and technology marketplace. This is the core of what we do. What will change is the significantly increased access to data and a great team to collaborate with.

Using the data from thousands of surveys we will answer questions such as

  • What countries are accelerating fastest towards mobile applications of analytics?
  • What are the key business benefits of Compliance based analytics?
  • What cloud vendors enjoy the highest visibility in key markets?
  • How important are enterprise integration and regulatory environments in inhibiting cloud growth?

For more on this exciting partnership please go to 

Thanks again for reading and the support and we look forward to hearing from you this year. 

capioIT -Making the complicated, simple.
Research insights from 2018....
Capture Snapshots....
  • Google removed several gay dating app from Indonesia online store . Google has had a commendable equality and LGBTI approach, Real challenge for #Google to be perceived as hypocritical by targeting easy markets and avoiding difficult decisions.  and rightly so #lgbtI #indonesia
  • Sydney now has direct flights from more Chinese cities than any other city or country. Highlights the growth in China and the opportunity for tourism between both countries.
  • Cloud vendors need to develop location models that will work for markets such as Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Turkey. There has to be a viable Tier 2 model. If the legacy vendors don’t work it out, someone will.
  • Worrying concerns about the strength of the Chinese economy in 2018. Pulling back lending domestically and offshore. Challenge is getting independent data points to validate. Challenges with a return to Autocracy is also a concern. 
  • Whilst there have been great innovations, we are still a killer app away from AR and VR adoption that is focused on business outcomes rather than fun. It will come of course, not quite yet.
  • Partner list at Dreamforce in2017 was highlighted by who was missing not who was there. Indian vendors except Wipro missed the bus. Again.
Time to Bring on The New Dawn - Morning Sunrise - Centennial Park, Sydney
For more information about our services or to discuss your research needs, please contact:

Phil Hassey CEO

+61 (0) 422 231 793
t:  PHassey
s. phil.hassey
Copyright © 2018 capioIT, All rights reserved.

NOTE: This is general information only and does not constitute advice nor take into account any individual’s or company’s specific requirements, and should not be relied upon as such. Readers are advised to seek specific advice from capioIT. capioIT makes no representation nor gives any warranty as to the accuracy of future forecasts. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any conditions, warranties or liabilities implied by law into these conditions are hereby excluded.

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