Part-time sessions available for Lyrids 2018!
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April 20 to 22, 2018 in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada

Thank-you to everyone who has already registered!
We've received over 80 full-time registrations for the fifth annual Lyrids Festival!
There is still space available for part-time dancers, and more full-time.
Plus we need more work-exchange dancers.
Do you want to get in for half price in exchange for a few hours of taking registrations, or helping to put out snacks? We need you! (You will miss some dancing)
Tip: View this and past newsletters on the web in Newsletter Archives.
Cristian and Sonia at Salt Spring Island Folk Dance Festival in 2011
Miamon, Michael, and Janie at Stockton Folk Dance Camp
The festival on the weekend of April 20-22, 2018, features Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion. Cristian and Sonia are teaching a program of Romanian and International dances.
Osem i Devet with Miamon with musicians Michael Lawson on accordion, David Bilides on tupan, Miamon Miller on violin, Janie Cowan on bass, and Teodora Dimitrova singing will provide live music for the Saturday evening party.
Miamon and Michael will also be leading music (any instrument) and singing workshops on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
The location is the Peretz Centre, 6184 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC. To prevent crowding, each workshop is limited to 100 dancers. There is no attendance limit for the Saturday party.

Please see the price list here for both full and part time attendance.
There are reduced fees for work exchange, youth (up to 30 yrs) and elders (80+).

To register, use online form or print and mail this form.

Billeting is available. Apply on the registration form. Be aware, most homes are more than a half hour drive from the hall.
Music and Singing Workshops
Are you interested in attending Miamon Miller's music workshop (any instrument), or Michael Lawson's singing workshop?  They will be held Saturday at 3pm and Sunday at 11am, with an optional performance after lunch on Sunday.
See schedule here and more information here.
"We will learn 2-3 Balkan songs, probably dances.  We’ll talk a little about vocal placement and pronunciation.  We’ll work up these songs for a low-key performance on Sunday with the musicians in the music workshop.  Rest your feet for a little bit and come enjoy singing together." - Michael.
"The melodies, harmonies and rhythms should be accessible for anyone who has a modest handle on their instrument.  Everyone is welcome and I’ll do my best to make it work for all who are there." - Miamon
Michael and Miamon are curious to know how many to expect. Please let me know if you are considering bringing your instrument or your voice and participating in these workshops. Music can be emailed ahead of the festival. Thanks!
Dance Syllabus
Cristian and Sonia will have CDs/DVDs with their syllabus, music, and movies available for purchase at the festival. They have requested that we do not give away the syllabus. Everyone who wants the syllabus must buy it from them. We asked if we could get pre-orders so that people may get the syllabus ahead of time and they agreed. That is why the syllabus is on the registration form. The syllabus will only be emailed to the registrants who have purchased it on the registration form.
Festival DVD but no Quickie DVD
Cristian and Sonia have all their dances on their DVDs which will be available for purchase at the festival. Fortunately, they have agreed to be video recorded for the festival DVD (available one year after the festival date).
More Dancing Opportunities!
  • On Thursday, April 19, 7-10pm, Cristian and Sonia will do a workshop at Surrey International Folk Dancing at Walnut Road Elementary School, 16152 82 Ave, Surrey. Admission: $10 drop-in, or $5 for SIFD members.
  • Cristian and Sonia will be at the Sunday evening dinner/dance on April 22 at Dale's house in Surrey. Admission is by donation (suggest $10 each). RSVP. Limited to approximately 40 people.
  • On Tuesday, April 24, 7-10pm, Cristian and Sonia will do a workshop at Burnaby International Folk Dancers at Charles Rummel Community Centre, 3630 Lozells Ave, Burnaby. Admission: $10 drop-in, or $5 for BIFD dancers who have prepaid their attendance fees.
2017 Lyrids Folk Dance Festival group photo
Happy dancing!

Dale Adamson
Chair of the Lyrids Folk Dance Festival Committee,
Burnaby International Folk Dancers.

Please forward this email to all your folk dance friends!
Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
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