Music and Singing Workshops
Are you interested in attending Miamon Miller's music workshop (any instrument), or Michael Lawson's singing workshop? They will be held Saturday at 3pm and Sunday at 11am, with an optional performance after lunch on Sunday.
See schedule here and more information here.
"We will learn 2-3 Balkan songs, probably dances. We’ll talk a little about vocal placement and pronunciation. We’ll work up these songs for a low-key performance on Sunday with the musicians in the music workshop. Rest your feet for a little bit and come enjoy singing together." - Michael.
"The melodies, harmonies and rhythms should be accessible for anyone who has a modest handle on their instrument. Everyone is welcome and I’ll do my best to make it work for all who are there." - Miamon
Michael and Miamon are curious to know how many to expect. Please let me know if you are considering bringing your instrument or your voice and participating in these workshops. Music can be emailed ahead of the festival. Thanks!