Term 1 news
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Our school is growing and needs your help to grow further. Please share this with everyone and spread the good news.

Helena River Steiner School

Dear Parents and Community,
The new school year has begun strong and proud. The first day of school started with a Welcome Ceremony to not only celebrate the transition for those leaving their familiar Kindy home, and heading to the "big school" but also to open our arms to the new primary students starting this year. Parents formed an archway while the children were escorted through the passage to be handed over to their new teacher who commits to guiding and caring for the children before her. In return, the children gave their teacher a flower of gratitude for the significant role she will play in their lives. 
Blessings on our school,
Tanami Magnus



Beautiful, long-lasting beeswax crayons, modelling wax and super-smooth Lyra pencils are now in stock in the school shop.

Open Mon, Tues and Wed mornings, 8.30 - 1 pm
Come and find also:
*unique homemade toys
*natural craft supplies
* crystals
* pre-loved children's and adults' clothing


The first parent information night for the year was held 2 weeks ago.
Kathy started by teaching parents one of the songs –in rounds- that the class is singing in the mornings.
The parents then settled down to an activity of making and decorating a special wax candle for their child’s birthday celebration when it occurs throughout the year, while Kathy led news and discussion of what is happening in the classroom.
Here is her summary of what she addressed:
- The dynamics of the group – classes 1 - 5, about our pioneering school and how courageous and caring all of the families are to give this gift of education to their child.   Given the stretch of ages and abilities, our class will be running two themed Main Lessons to ensure that each child has access to the nurturing stories that underpin a Steiner education.  Younger students this block are working on form drawing and the older students, creation stories.
- Morning circle is a key part to our day as it includes time to awaken the child and start firing all those pathways to thinking.  Lots of singing, movement, rhyming, math, crossing the mid line, etc.  We also take time for Hope Circle on Monday and we discuss virtues (5 chosen per week) that we look for in each other during the week as well.  The students love these times.  Morning circle is super important for setting our rhythm and tone for the day.
-The teaching team: Melissa, specialist Craft teacher. Anna, French language teacher and Karen, class assistant.
-The role and importance of Class Carer.
- Playground progress: need for pots and pans, planks and pipes, skipping rope, balls, long term solution pending building approvals for new classrooms and playground etc.
- Class rules: Three rules – respect, listening and having a go.  Point reward system for displaying these qualities or nominations from virtues throughout the week.
-Clothing policy – no hat no play, proper hats (not caps) clothes need to be covering shoulders and no logos.
-News days – Encourage news that is descriptive, home made, an activity they have done, something they have made etc.  No Toys please. 
-Protective behaviours program– We shall be covering protective behaviours in our Health and Phys Ed curriculum so be aware that correct anatomical names will be used for parts of our bodies.  Just letting you all know in case you are caught by surprise about your child’s vocabulary.
-NAPLAN – as homeschoolers, you will need to contact your Department of Education liaison to discuss registering if this is something you would like to participate in.
-Punctuality - Being on time helps set the tone of the day and allows your child to feel ready for the tasks ahead.  Classes start at 8:45 and the class is closed up until then just so I am able to set up and get ready.  Thank you everyone for being so punctual this year. If you are late to class, no need to make it a big deal, please encourage your child to come into our school quietly and hang their bag up and join in. 

Thank you Kathy Riley
Come and have a stitch and a yarn and a cuppa on Friday mornings. This is free and open to anyone, kids welcome, and you can drop in any time that suits. No experience necessary. All materials supplied. Please share with whoever may be interested.
FRIDAYS 8.45 am - 12 pm
In the Playgroup garden

10 am - 3 pm

sausage sizzle, cakes and refreshments will be served at lunchtime 

Please come and help beautify our school, and incidentally have a fun day of work, companionship and laughter.  There are jobs for all skill levels and all ages.

Whether you hang a picture, paint a wall, tend the garden, fix a broken door handle, clean some windows or prepare lunch - every minute of your time is valuable.  Got lonely grandparents? Bring them along too!  And of course your children are  welcome.

If for some unforeseen reason you can’t attend, please could you bake a cake or provide a wholesome snack for the workers?  This can be delivered on the day or earlier by arrangement.

For further details contact Toby Dwyer (primary class carer) on:  0410 773 880

"Many hands have made this school,
Many hearts now keep it warm"
Come in or stay back for a cuppa with fellow parents on Monday mornings. There are usually baked goodies floating around too. Get to know others in your community.
From 8.45 am onwards in the Parents' Pavillion
Would you like to learn more about the philosophy that underpins Steiner education?
This study group is open to parents and anyone wishing to attend. Anthroposophy literally means "The Wisdom of Man" and its goal is for each individual to awaken and develop their understanding of themselves, the people around them, and all elements of the world.
Anthroposophy is also the basis for bio-dynamic agriculture, Weleda homeopathic medicine and medical practice, three-fold social structures including ethical finance, and healing community centres for those with special needs such as Camphill.
We meet weekly to read and discuss books and lectures by Rudolf Steiner, and other related texts and activities.
Be prepared for a journey of self-discovery!
Lead by Peter Fern, a seasoned Anthroposophist, 0409 520 332 
Please note the next whole school early close is on Tuesday 13th March.
Please print out a copy of this term's calendar so you can be prepared for events, or check the calendar on our website regularly.
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