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Dear Friends, 

Happy International Women’s Day!

We often hear about days like this but we don’t give ourselves the chance to reflect on the history or the application to our own lives. As a champion of women and a mom of three, I am keenly aware of the challenges we face. I hear about them every day. From the women who are stuck in bad marriages because they haven’t earned money in years, to the women who are not being promoted because of managers that can’t see past their gender. 

But I am also more optimistic than ever. The #MeToo movement has been a giant milestone for all of us. For the first time, women are using their voices and are being heard. There has never been a better time for women to achieve equality at home and at work. This brings me back to what each of us can do. At home, are we modeling equality for the children in our lives? Are we curating the media they see so that they can envision a better world? At work, are we paving the way for an easier path for the women behind us? Are we demanding more representation on boards, at the table? And if not, how can we get ourselves there? 

Regardless of the size or structure of the obstacle ahead, our best path forward is to lock arms and push forward together. 

Can I count you in? I would love to hear from you. 


Raise Your Son to Be a Good Man, Not a ‘Real’ Man
- New York Magazine
"Being a real man is something performed for other men.” Let’s rid our boys of this poisonous path and help them grow up comfortable in their own skin.
Did the Oscars Represent Progress for Women?
- Fortune
Just six women won Oscars (compared to 33 men). And two of the women won in the gender-specific categories. Lots of talk, no progress.
Serena Williams Stars in Powerful Ad
- CBS Sports
Nike nails it. This is just the best commercial ever!
Why Should You Stop Saying “Just do your best!"
- Grown&Flown
A meaningful read for anyone raising children: “Is it fair or reasonable to ask our kids “to do their best” in all areas, all of the time?”


Use Badass Women to Motivate You

Who are the women you most admire? The women who inspire you to be better, do better and go for your goals? 

Like me, I bet you are motivated by amazing women who have achieved great things. 

When I have a setback, I will spend 15 minutes reading quotes from strong women or watching an interview with a woman I admire (a gold medalist, CEO or all around badass). 

When my productivity takes a low dip or I feel like throwing in the towel, this is a solid cure and gets me back in a positive mindset. (And in the event that this fails, there is always a jalapeño margarita with a friend to turn things around!) 


From the Archives…

I wrote this piece for Forbes.
The 9 Secrets to Thriving as a Working Mom


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